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Oct. 10th, 2012


WHO MK and Adam.
WHAT (some) bad secrets come out.
WHEN recently.
WHERE the Waterhouse-Robinson apartment.
WARNING swearing, talk of self-harm.
He loved her completely. What did she want? )


Who: Adam and Olive
Where: At Olive's place
When: Recently!
Why: Meeting neighbors
Warnings: Just cute awkwardness

I feel rather protective of you, which is silly, as I couldn't protect a lizard from a cat. )

Sep. 14th, 2012


Who: Flash and his father
Where: The school field after hours
When: Thursday night
What: Untamed Venom shows his pretty face for the first time
Warnings: Violence, abuse trigger warnings

This was raw power. The kind that fed off every ounce of hate Flash felt for the man standing in front of him helplessly with a broken bat in hand. )

Aug. 24th, 2012


WHO MK and Adam.
WHAT three little words.
WHEN tonight-ish?
WHERE the Mandarin Bar.
WARNING excessive amounts of cute. EXCESSIVE.
Adam managed a smile, eyes quickly checking for the heart necklace that her dead ex-lover gave her, his smile turning more honest and bright when he saw that it was missing. )

Aug. 12th, 2012


Who: Flash and MJ
Where: College house party
When: Recentlyish
What: MJ and Flash go to a party and then shit gets real
Warnings: Teens being stupid.

What’s your type, MJ? If you want me to go full dungeons and dragons nerd, don’t hold your breath. )

Aug. 3rd, 2012


WHO Spencer and Adam
WHAT Getting patched up
WHEN Recently
WHERE Adam's clinic

Knife wounds were usually how he came to meet vigilantes back in Seattle. )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


Who: Adam/Flash
What: Memories Plot
Where: High School Field
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Flash circled the track a final time, the heat of summer cooling as the sun began to set and house lights across the field flickered on. He thought about how eager some people are to go home and how he'd never share that same kind of feeling. Home was an ironic word (even if he wasn't really sure what that meant) because it was unsafe, violent and broken. Out here in the field where he could run and run until his heart burst from his chest was his home. It was the real reason why he lost himself in sports. Why he hated those little nerds with loving parents who never thought to raise a hand to their children.

Fuck that. He thought, hearing Adam stir in the back of his head. He didn't mind the doctor much. He was shit with women, sure, but he wanted to save the world. Flash wanted to beat the shit out of any scumbag who reminded him of his father. That was the same thing, right?

Walking out onto the cool grass, Flash dropped to his knees and fell face down onto the field. He threaded his fingers through blades, pulled them from the earth and passed out.

Jul. 17th, 2012


Who: Adam and Ainslie
When: Sundayish
Where: coffee shop in Vegas
What: Two old friends meeting up
Warnings: None!

Who makes you nervous? The waiter or me? )

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