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October 9th, 2013

[info]ephemeras in [info]doorslogs

Who: Gwen and Harry (plus wee Emily)
What: Dinner (1/2)
Where: The Osborn Estate
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

Harry took a seat across from both of the girls. Surprisingly, he found that he was glad he'd come up with the idea for Gwen to join his father's child and himself for dinner. It felt as if some of the pressure that came with being alone with Gwen was alleviated by such a small addition. )

[info]ephemeras in [info]doorslogs

Who: Gwen and Harry (plus wee Emily)
What: Dinner (2/2)
Where: The Osborn Estate
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

Although the half-life of her fallen expression was dismissive, and Harry honestly did miss it when he took a few moments to focus on his wine instead, there was kind of shift in the energy between Gwen and himself that spoke of drawn breath, firm reminders, distance when she pulled her hand away before he'd even really had the sense to hold it. )

[info]riddlethem in [info]doorslogs

Who: Eddie and Steph (part one)
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Recently
What: Checking out another door! Making trouble! Feelings!
Warnings: Mostly swears

She sipped the pumpkin juice, too, and her eyes lit up for a moment with delight. Oh, she could get used to this. )

[info]riddlethem in [info]doorslogs

Who: Eddie and Steph (part two)
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Recently
What: Checking out another door! Making trouble! Feelings!
Warnings: Mostly swears and makin out

Well, let’s see. We saw owls we can’t buy. Quidditch equipment we can’t use. Unless we join one of those lame teams back in Gotham. )

[info]miscissy in [info]doorslogs

Who: Narcissa, Bellatrix and Remus
Where: Shrieking Shack
When: Recently
What: Remus meets the Black sisters
Warnings: high tension but that's about it

Narcissa’s suddenly drawn-up guard caused Bellatrix to stop, tugging her sister back half a step as her own fingers twitched for the wand that was tucked up her sleeve. )