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December 18th, 2012

[info]upintheclouds in [info]doorslogs

Who: Stephanie Brown and Dick Grayson
What: Two batkids talking about bat stuff and investigating the smell in Dick’s kitchen. Dick is the only responsible adult left in Gotham. God help us all.
Where: Dick’s apartment in Gotham
When: After the mayhem and chaos and Rising from the Deaaaad
Warnings: Obviously they’re going to have kinky sex on every surface of Dick’s bachelor pad.

There were three coffee cups on the coffee table that had accumulated over the last few days. )

[info]redrobin in [info]doorslogs

WHO Malcolm & Spencer
WHAT Tea after Yoga class
WHEN Recently
WHERE At a Yoga studio & then a nearby cafe
WARNINGS Cute. So cute.

Malcolm found Spencer taking his bag absolutely and unexpectedly charming, and really, he couldn’t stop smiling, walking along companionably. )

[info]toberuled in [info]doorslogs

Who: Loki and Thor
What: A confrontation, and a rather damaging spell.
Where: Loki's temporary lair in New York.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: None.

Thor had felt it before when he held Gungnir, but then it had been sluggish and resistant like the docile energy of Midgard and nothing like this wild rise. For a brief second his eyes glowed as the first crack of lightning did, as he reached not towards the sky but towards the stone itself and pulled in an attempt to overload it. )
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[info]boredpursuit in [info]doorslogs

Who: Faust and Beast
Where: Beast's castle
When: Recently
What: Faust and Beast meet
Warnings: None!

He was not afraid, which was a solid surprise. )
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[info]fall_of_rain in [info]doorslogs

Who: Hunter and Zee
What: Talking! About alters! And stuff!
Where: Their apartment
When: That recentish sort of time
Warnings/Rating: Some angst. Some language.

I gotta move for that? Then nah. )