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June 1st, 2012

[info]twostepsahead in [info]doorslogs

WHO Felicia (Pepper) & Charles -> Pepper & Phil
WHAT Lunch
WHERE A steakhouse in NYC
WHEN This afternoon
WARNINGS Probably none.

[info]cantstartafire in [info]doorslogs

Who: Bruce Banner and Peter Parker
What: Doing science and stuff
Where: Bruce's warehouse lab/Hulk Lair
When: Before the group plot, before the wacky craziness! After the meeting Bruce had with Steve...And before his hospital visit to Tony. Got it? Got it. Good.
Warnings: Excessive amounts of adorbs (as usual)

Meanwhile back in the Hulk Lair... )

[info]darkestfears in [info]doorslogs

Who: Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane, Catwoman/Selina Kyle, and the Bats/Bruce Wayne
What: A little treatment for the kitten, and some beatdown for Crane.
Where: Arkham
When: Recently!
Warnings/Rating: It's Crane. And there's violence.

Selina wasn’t sure what to expect, and she tried not to think about that as he attached the electrodes. )

[info]ex_haint987 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Jules and Daniel
What: Piano playing for the drunken rake
Where: Casino → Turnberry Place
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: None

He felt better with a wall at his back and as long as nobody tried to engage him in exciting conversation, he was content to sit at one of the hastily repaired blackjack tables near the piano and bleed chips all night. )

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doorslogs

WHO MK & Wren.
WHAT Whiskey and alters and boy troubles, oh my!
WHEN After the group plot.
WHERE The new penthouse at Turnberry Place.
WARNING Wangst, the usual.
She leaned over and kissed her friend on the cheek, the affectionate gesture reminiscent of all those nights spent whispering at each other on a couch in Seattle. )

[info]thesavior in [info]doorslogs

Who: Shailee Thakkar and Callum Westerberg
What: Shailee gets a new assignment. Things get a little tense.
Where: The airport, then Shailee's car.
When: Right before the group plot
Warnings: It's Shailee so we're going to assume language.

I’m pretty sure this is a one time opportunity for you, but if you want to walk out, the door’s unlocked )