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User: [info]strahl
Date: 2010-07-27 17:01
Subject: Video ( 01 )
Security: Public
Tags:balthier | strahl

[The video clicks on. The bossy man looks bossy. Balthier is staring right into the camera, he's got this leading man thing under control.]

After getting to know each other I think it's time we get to know the place. Some of you have already been around, some not. Any case it looks like we'll be opening a lot of doors in the future thus I suggest everyone, who has any intention of leaving this lousy hotel, replies with their "e-mail address" [He sounds a bit amused. Or sarcastic. Who knows.] and a short description of their home. Nothing too detailed. At least the name of the world you're looking for.

So in case someone happens to run into a door that leads to a place that fits the description, this someone could be kind and inform the interested by e-mail sharing the location of the said door before this practical building decides to rearrange itself. Again.

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