SHIFTING DOORS.NET - July 25th, 2010
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User: [info]doorshifts (posted by [info]outofsoap)
Date: 2010-07-25 20:03
Subject: voice;
Security: Public
Tags:kaworu nagisa | outofsoap

[he sounds anything but amused. Not exactly upset, mostly just annoyed. Boredom probably has something to do with it.]

This world does not have much to offer. I have tried to talk to the natives, but they are incapable of understanding anything I say. There isn't much I can learn this way.

[short pause.]

How many doors have you opened so far?

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User: [info]doorshifts (posted by [info]fleaphilia)
Date: 2010-07-25 21:20
Subject: ( one )
Security: Public
Tags:sirius black | fleaphilia

[ Sirius is clearly fiddling with the communicator, but has no bleeding idea what he's doing with it, talking to himself with mock-merriment as he fiddles. ]

--catching a train could be this difficult? This year, Sirius, this year you're not going to be late, I tell myself! And I'm not, funnily enough. I arrive with much time to spare, time to find a nice compartment - while someone swans about with his head boy badge - and what happens when I open the door? Merlin only knows what happened, I feel as though I might have just popped in to another planet, this place looks ridiculous.

This looks ridiculous- what even is this. What kind of crazy muggle contraption is it? They've a knack for making everything more complicated than necessary, they have- [ it suddenly switched to video, showing Sirius RATHER CLOSE TO THE COMMUNICATOR, head cupped in his hand and looking incredibly bored and irritated. ] -gods, I haven't even charmed a frog down anyone's trousers yet! If this is a prank, I must commend someone for being terribly imaginative, but it's getting rather tedious now. If I miss the train for my final year of school all because some Ravenclaw decided this was their year for revenge, I suppose I'll be charming a lot of frogs down someone's trousers.

[ ..................... more poking, until he sighs, rather melodramatically. ]

Bloody hell.

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User: [info]doorshifts (posted by [info]timebreak)
Date: 2010-07-25 22:26
Subject: 02 | text.
Security: Public
Tags:kiden nixon | timebreak

Whoever the hell is slamming doors? STOP THAT SHIT. There are people trying to sleep over here. Sheesh.

So, anyway, me and K-boy went to the city and everyone seems to be speaking in gibberish. They do not hablan in English and don't even understand it. No capiche or anything, sheesh. And there are like, new people coming in every other day and shit. Man, this is weird. And did anyone else think it's kinda creepy how there's food and shit and yet I haven't seen one damn employee anywhere? Totally creepy, right? I'm trying to find staff, but I haven't found anything. Has anyone been lucky with that?

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