March 2014




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Feb. 24th, 2014


[Lock to Donovans/Alexanders, Lin A]

[Donovans and Alexanders Group Lock]

Dare I ask what happened while I was gone?

[Lin A]

I received an interesting call from one of my neighbors while I was out of the country.


Public, Max M, Lin A


Gotta wonder why people pick out pie when they have a hangover. I figure it would make everything worse, but on a Sunday, we get a run on just about everything we've got.

[Max M]

You doing okay? I just had the rabbit bail and a really talkative female show up.

[Lin A]

So these Golden Girls. So long as you don't mind a toddler, we can do this already.

Feb. 22nd, 2014


[Public, as "Beast."]


Feb. 15th, 2014


[Phone call to Lin A.]

[From a phone in the hotel that appears to be working, for the time-being. Probably about 2 in the afternoon.


Feb. 14th, 2014



[Public as Hatter]

and people say i'm mad

i am you know quite but still

i have love tea anyway want love tea better than the real thing

Feb. 13th, 2014



Is it considered cruel if you refuse to go through the door when they demand?


Public, Preston alias, Wren H, Lin A


I love the socks.

[Preston not 'R']


[Wren H]

Is it appropriate, do you think, to re-gift?

[Lin A]

I'm looking for thoughts. And you were nicely neutral-ish.

Feb. 7th, 2014


[Call to Lin A.]

[From the house phone. Or rather, the line that goes into the house that Daniel doesn't have plugged in 90% of the time unless he needs to call a cab. Who knew he even HAD Lin's number.


Feb. 8th, 2014


Sam A, Neil D

[Locked to Sam A]
Harriet to Janie.

ETA: [Locked to Neil D]
Neil. hmu

Feb. 4th, 2014


[Private to Lin A.]


Feb. 3rd, 2014


Call: Aaron T

[Middle of the day call to Aaron T]

[TW: mentions of abuse/rape.]

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Max M, Neil D, Sam A

[Locked to Max M]
I went to and asked you if you were alive, and you said CANNOT TELL. :\

[Locked to Neil D]
So Sam's awake.

[Locked to Sam A]
I'm so prepared to sing a jingle to you. You don't even know.


[public, except daniel w]

I am seeking someone who cares about Daniel W.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Max "B", Michael K, Public

[Max "B"]

You're still alive over there, right? Before you get mad, I didn't mean to.

[Michael K]

How were the kitchens?


I'm pretty sure if you were any good at math you could guess how many houses were going up nearby by the number of people who ordered the full plate this morning.

Jan. 29th, 2014


[Public as Winnie O.]
[Her writing is neat and boyish.]

I really don't have time for this thing again.

Jan. 28th, 2014


which came first the melancholy or the key to the hotel?

if it’s the initiation ritual

I sit here
drunk now.
I am
a series of
small victories
and large defeats
and I am as
as any other
I have gotten
from there to
without committing murder
or being
having ended up in the

Jan. 27th, 2014


[Dair D]

[After this. Left for whenever a certain Scotsman decides to show his face through this side of the door.]

What the hell were you thinking, Donovan?

[After some thought, tentative attempt at a lock to Lin A.]

What I Please d [Nothing sent after all, but the crossed-out lines are visible.]

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Neil D, Casey D, Call to Louis D, Chloe M, Daniel W

[After the news about Chloe.]

[Locked to Neil D]
Who did this?

[Locked to Casey D]
Tell me you're still fucking sitting on him.

ETA: [Call to Louis D, from Daniel's apartment phone.]
Ring, ring, ring!

[Locked to Chloe M]
Hello, yo. Do you know where I can "score" some Illegal Drugs? :-) [...] I need to talk to you.

[Post-phone call, in Daniel's apartment, Lin is trying to find the drunk. Which means he wanders around for a bit and ends up opening the door to the man's bedroom and throwing a book in, to see if it lands on anyone.]

Jan. 20th, 2014



[After Iris is arrested and charged. Oh, so public.]

How much did you fuckers pay those witnesses to lie, huh?

Jan. 18th, 2014


Donovans, excluding Louis and Neil

[Locked to all non-Louis/Neil Donovans.]
So, you don't know me, necessarily, but I'm a friend of Sam's. Hi. I'm Lin. I like [...] lettuce. Not the time, Lin I have a request, if I might. [...] I know blood's running hot, tempers high, and all that, and I know capital-R Revenge is, in some select people's eyes, the only true way to achieve capital-J Justice, but, uh, any of you mind legit not letting the Hatfields and McCoys go down again in capital-H History? So over it Last time Sam was fucked with, I had to disarm Louis, yeah? I just gave him his gun back, like, literally just. Because I'm a fucking idiot.

Right now, as far as I can tell, he's taking this new news very poorly. He's angry. He's definitely unstable. Just [...]

What I'm trying to ask is: can somebody please sit on him and not let him leave? Occupy him or something so he doesn't do something supremely stupid? Please? I'll

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