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September 26th, 2013

[info]agoodman in [info]doors


[Locked to Loki]

The kvidr has decided to charge you for your crimes against Jotunheim and Midgard without consideration to your change in age. I am sorry, brother
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[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

comm: bruce w

[The comm beeps once, then twice, with an incoming call.]

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[Private to Poison Ivy]

Has the Greenhouse seemed a little empty lately?

[Private to Kara]

How're you doing, Kara? I need you to

[Comm to Stephanie B.]
[After hashing things out with Bats. Beep beep.]

[info]perspective in [info]doors

[Eddie N]

[Locked to Eddie N]

I did what you suggested.

[info]haigha in [info]doors

[Public, Ella D]

[Posted Anonymously.]


[The sketches start midday, the day after the sand storms end. Little vignettes of corners on the street, filled with sand and dust. Piled up against a mailbox, sloping along the angles of stairways. A broom propped against a wall, a pile of dirt half-cleared from a doorway. A cigarette butt extinguished in the sand. Footprints in the dust. Each sketch has a swipe or two of colored pencil, and the later sketches have warmer colors to match the glow of the sun as it sets.]

[Ella D.]

[In the middle of the afternoon, in between the other sketches, but locked only to her. Wide swipes of colored pencil that make up waves of blonde hair, the soft line of her jaw and neck. At the bottom is the hint of a smaller head, equally blonde hair atop it, resting on the smooth curve of a shoulder. There are no faces, hidden by angles and hair, but it's obvious enough who it's supposed to be.]

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

[Eddie N]

[There's a bit of a delay before words actually appear.]

So I've been trying to decide if I should comment on you staying behind, or if I should just ask you how you are.
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[info]perspective in [info]doors

Edward N

[Shortly after this conversation, two tins of tea are left in front of the DC door with a note attached.]


Thank you.


[info]clairvoyantly in [info]doors


I fear that I will not grow used to people giving me rude looks when I am doing my weekly shopping. Honestly. Take a picture and glare at it in the privacy of your own home, if you must.

[After this, the post becomes slightly obscured due to someone's immature behaviour.]

[info]afrit in [info]doors

[Jason T, Cass C]

[Locked to Jason T]
Will you tell me when you are escaping?

[Locked to Cassandra C]
We must make sure Stephanie does not run away.

[info]whipoftruth in [info]doors

[public, Luke H]

Some days there just isn't enough coffee.

[Locked to Luke H]

What the hell is this thing?

[info]matchesmade in [info]doors

Lucy R, Shailee T, Neil D, Dolores C, Preston R

[Lucy R]

[with some degree of trepidation]


[Shailee T]

Thakkar, you surviving over there?

[Neil D]

You've not been thrown in a ditch somewhere by a Murphy, have you?

[Dolores C]

I warned him.

[Preston R]

[No note, a bottle of eye-wateringly good French wine on his desk.]

[info]lionessrises in [info]doors

Bruce W

[Locked to Bruce W]

Finally, she speaks. This is really quite beyond

Uh, hello? I've never tried this before

[info]anything1 in [info]doors

[Public, Preston R, Bo D, Luke H]

Henry with no last name? Whoever you are, your redheaded nuisance will be back sometime next week.

[Voicemail Preston R, Bo D]
I'll be back in town by the weekend. If anyone needs me for anything before then, I'm back on comm.

[Locked to Luke H]
Kid, I'm bringing Amanda home with me for the weekend. Do you want me to bring Gus along? I can keep him until you're done with whatever door related drama you're dealing with.