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September 25th, 2013

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Dylan M]

[Delivered to Dylan M]

[This is sent the afternoon of this, before the dust, and before she stands Dylan up at the carnival that evening. But the weather delays the delivery of the letter until days later, on Tuesday, once she's already been out of the country for nearly a week.]


I don't write letters, but I thought you deserved one. They say the weather's about to get bad, and I don't want to miss my window for Dhaka, so I'm flying out in a few minutes.

In case I don't make it back, I did want to go to dinner with you. That's all. I just wanted to say that.


[info]ex_brother217 in [info]doors

[Iris M]

[Phone call to Iris M at the facility she's currently staying at.]


[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

[Jack R, Joey A]

[Jack R.]

Dr. Roman,

I was informed that I have been returned to your care. I hope you are well and that this is an acceptable transfer. I understand if it is not, and will obviously have no objections if you wish to find another doctor (or doctors) to assume my case instead.

[...] I'm currently residing at [Facility name], but I believe I will now attempt to plan to stay somewhere else. I will update you if I am able to arrange something. If not, I suppose I will simply stay here. I should know in the relatively near future.

Thank you,
Iris Morgenstern (formerly Russell) [There's a waver in the middle of "Russell", but she simply finishes writing and moves on.]

[Joey A.]

[...] Hello, Joey. [...] I realize it has been quite a while since we last spoke, and that things have likely changed since then. However, I find that I am considering leaving the medical facility where I am currently a resident. I am quite certain that after some thought, you have reconsidered your previous offer, but I [...] just wanted to be sure.

[Pen on page.] Regardless of your decision, I hope you and your family are doing well. I obviously will not ask you to relay any well-wishes, but I do hope everyone has managed the sandstorm without too much difficulty.

Iris M.