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August 30th, 2013

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

[Kara Z]

[Locked to Kara]

[After she's gotten up and moved around a bit.]

We need to ask them.

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[Private to Helena W.]

What the hell, hero?

[Harley Q]
[During his convo with Hels.]

Still mad? Still here?

[Bruce W.]

Helena might have hurt herself again. Stephanie is freaking out. I need help locating her.

[info]atrophy in [info]doors

[public, as Anaïs M]

This is hideous.

[info]afrit in [info]doors

[Eddie N, Damian W]

[Locked to Eddie N]
Shahrrehth? I must ask you for a favor.

[After the above.]
[Locked to Damian W]
You are not old anymore?

[info]author in [info]doors

[On the heels of his last post, Liam disappears from the apartment and has not been seen for a number of days.]

[info]agoodman in [info]doors

Liam R, Ronan

[Text to Liam R]


[Locked to Ronan]

Have you seen Liam?

[info]handlewithcare in [info]doors

[Text to Wren]

I need some quality time with my friend Gus. Also. I'm thinking of painting my foyer, sound like fun?

[info]bella_black in [info]doors


Things that are shitty:

-Breaking a heel on your best shoes
-Twisting your fucking ankle because of the stupid shoes
-The one decent person up and quitting where you work
-Your asshole roommate not paying his part of the gas bill so your shower is like ice
-Getting this piece of shit book and the headcase that goes with it
-Yeah, go ahead and count that one twice

Is this thing good for giving me some good news? I fucking need it today.

[info]author in [info]doors

Sam A

[Text to Sam A]


[info]scarletstudy in [info]doors

This is a trick unparalleled.

Half-price admission to Vega for all those who speak knowingly to the gatekeeper of doors, keys, journals and people.

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors

[Max M]

[After talking to Ella.]

[Locked to Max M]
So, how did your bargain hunting go?

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Seven M]

[Locked to Seven M]
[During this.] Hey, baby, this is completely fucking shitty, and Liam should totally do this fucking shit himself, and I can't believe I'm even doing this, but he wants to break it off or whatever. So, leave his place so he can fucking go home and get sober, yeah, because he's completely fucking wasted right now.

[info]ahalfblood in [info]doors

nicholas s.

[call to nicholas s., late evening.]


[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[locked to gabe r]

I thought you should hear from me first that I've filed to be transferred to another handler.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

I failed.

[info]saltedand in [info]doors

been stretched at work for fucking days. Boss hires some new kid, can't grow a fucking beard, good with his fucking hands, she says. looks like he fell off the back of some truck, turns out it's her sister's kid and he don't know shit about fucking engines, can't tell a chassis from a fucking carburetor. so now we're fucking stretched and there's someone who ain't hit puberty wandering around the fucking place getting paid to scratch his ass.

anyone planning on putting any of that hexing a door shit on the door I gotta walk through can fucking stop before they start.