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July 9th, 2013

[info]doorssecrets in [info]doors


I'm looking for a young woman that had been hurt by several men.

[info]sybarite in [info]doors

spidey kids.

[GROUP LOCKED to Peter P, Gwen S, Flash T, & MaryJane W.]

Apparently weirdness went down, everyone okay?

[info]thefixer in [info]doors

So whoever's secret is that they're a creepy little kid and oh by the way, a fucking vampire, like, idk the Sixth Sense only with teeth, good job. Great. You need therapy. Also thanks for like, you know, murdering me.

[Lin A]

Where are you?

[info]doorssecrets in [info]doors

Does 'Iron Crown' mean anything to anyone out there?

[info]inpajamas in [info]doors


[Posted Anon because even an initial is too much to reveal at the moment.]

Well that was entirely unexpected. These things happen often, then?

[info]muchness in [info]doors

[Laura D, Jack C]

[Locked to Laura D]
First things first, are you in one piece?

[Locked to Jack C]
I haven't heard from the kid, and that's usually a bad sign. You have anything before I hit him up?

[info]hemlockandhoney in [info]doors


[Public, and not even anonymous because who cares anymore.]

To that guy in the basement with the sharp teeth
You need fuckin therapy
Theres your public service announcement

[info]trickarrow in [info]doors

[Public, Dell V]

[Public, Now posting as Sebastian V instead of Sebastian V-P]

So. Has anyone here figured out a way to op out of the shenanigans the hotel likes to throw at us? Is there some number we can call? Someone to email?

[Locked to Dell V]

So. I hear you took her home.

[info]original_snake in [info]doors

Public, Harry, Rose

I don't think I'll be able to sleep for awhile. How do you forget about stuff like that?

[Filtered to Harry]
Did you even -

There was a party

Were you at the hotel?

[Filtered to Rose}
Are you alright? I'm not. I saw something.

[info]author in [info]doors

[Seven M]

[Phone call to Seven M, a couple days after the party.]


[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

A box is delivered to the hospital where Dr. October Fischer is employed. The return address is from a familiar hotel. It is addressed to "Iris Morgenstern-Russell, Psychiatric Ward". When it is opened, as all mail is upon arriving on the ward, a simple black-covered blank journal is inside.