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May 3rd, 2013

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Gotham]

[In the early-morning hours on Friday, Gotham's new law enforcement team leaves the sewers. There are hundreds of men and women, Gotham's most violent. They're unaffected by Crane's toxin, protected from the first pass in the sewers, and all equipped with re-breathers by the time they emerge. The team protects the Mayor, and they take control of Gotham's perimeter, because no one else seems capable of doing so. Silently, they slide into place. Nothing is closed off yet, and no new rule is established.

The Mayor makes a candlelight statement about the wonderful future of the city, and about how there is nothing to be concerned about. Behind him, a different man in a mask lurks, waiting.]

[info]willpower in [info]doors


[Just a text link to her radio station.]

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[News: Gotham]

[The newspapers Friday morning are filled with a tragic story from Thursday. Gotham citizens are reeling after a tragic incident at a local daycare center. Five toddlers are dead and another 7 are in serious condition at a local Gotham hospital after the children managed to make their way to the roof of their daycare center. Witness reports indicate that the children seemed to be playing 'Superheroes,' with several of the male children emulating the infamous Batman. City officials could not be reached for contact. Grief counselors are available at for children and parents struggling to understand this tragedy.]

[info]winterhawk in [info]doors

Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

[Phone call to Aubrey R]

[From the Clark County Detention Center.]

Ring, ring.

[info]chanteuse in [info]doors

So about how long do y'all spend through the door? How y'all manage jobs and life things with someone else's life going on?

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[public to dc door]

Today's shaping up to be a really good day, I think. Oh, and some kids died. Still a good day though. I mean, I feel bad for their parents, but what are you going to do, right?