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April 3rd, 2013

[info]anatkh in [info]doors

[aubrey r]

So I heard back from your ex about why he disappeared into a puff of smoke the other night. In other news, how're you? Recover sufficiently from that neon prostitute?

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Public, Neil D]

[Twenty-four+ hours into the Marvel anti-fear thing.]

For once, I can totally get behind whatever the fuck just happened in the Marvel door.

[Call to Neil D]
[Around 3 am. Ring.]

[info]matchesmade in [info]doors

Jack C, CIA crew

[Left on Jack's desk with no note. You're welcome, Jack.]

[info]ex_roses104 in [info]doors

[Snow White]

[Locked to Snow White]
I'm staying at mother's cottage. There's a caterpillar here. I hate him.

[info]boredpursuit in [info]doors


I think I've stumbled upon my old town. Which has been I need to get back to the

[info]notawarlock in [info]doors


[As Wiccan]

Okay, how freaking awesome is this? It's my third day in a new school and here I was thinking I'd just be awkward power-boy all over again, and instead I am killing it. I broke up like three fights before first period, and then at lunch I saved my chem teacher from walking out into traffic. And all without blowing the whole secret identity thing, it's been pretty cool.

Oh my god, and apparently I go to school with Spider-Man. I know, I'm freaking out.

[...] This is probably a long shot, but I'm looking for some friends of mine. Hulkling? Patriot? Stature? Hawkeye? Iron Lad? Man, I hope you guys are out there.

[Gwen S.]

You don't know me, but I told your girl Sam that I'd say 'hi' the next time I came through... So, hi. You are so coo

[info]shootempolitely in [info]doors

Occasionally, there are days I am reminded that life can be chaotic without doors, alters, the paraphernalia of sharing one's life with someone else who is usually fictional. Such as the client who decided that the day after tax season was the day to arrive with several shoeboxes' worth of paper going back three financial years.

And then I return and see there's problems in Marvel.

[info]original_snake in [info]doors

There are things I miss about being stuck in that place outside the door. I wonder if we will get to go back again.

I have been meaning to talk to you, but I've been busy. I trust you are back to your 'normal' self.

[info]sonofagun in [info]doors


When are the ghostbusters going to call and tell me to retire?