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February 17th, 2013

[info]sonofagun in [info]doors

[Public, as Ford C.]

I've got a Lemmy looking for a Lars?

[For your reference, drummer codenames.]

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors

[Public, as Daniel W.]

[In beautiful, elegant blackletter typography.]

Cut for language. )

[info]kryptonslast in [info]doors

[As Pete K]

First Vegas. Then space. Okay.

[info]hissycat in [info]doors

[Posted from Casey D]

Where's the candy cane forest? I can turn into a chipmunk who wears a cape.

More to come on this developing story later.

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[Public as Edward N.]

She took my brain.

[info]chaoticduallife in [info]doors


[Connor B. A short while after getting dragged through the Marvel door. And being unexpectedly eighteen.]


I seem to be on the wrong side of the door. I was not told that this could be a side effect.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

wren h., jack c., batfam++, public

[Luke H. After being dragged through the Gotham door, and panicking just a little.]

[locked to wren h.]

[...] Please tell me you're at home with Gus. Maybe it's just me.

[locked to jack c.]

Where are you?

[batfam++ (vegas-side & gothamites)]

And tonight, in the role of your friendly neighborhood Batman... yours truly. I'm not sure what's going on, but let's start simple: all present say 'I'.


I'm in the Batcave. I am. In. The. Batcave. What the hell?

[info]doorsverse in [info]doors

[Plot: Switch]

[The mailboxes disappear at midnight, but their departure has an unexpected effect. The Door Worlds and the mundane world of Las Vegas inverse without warning, two massive forces moving to collide and just missing one another in a perfect reversal of space. Alters are forced out into the hallway of Passages where the dry desert air gives unpleasant welcome, while the former inhabitants of Las Vegas find themselves neatly fitted into their Alters' former roles and worlds. The new inhabitants of fictional worlds seem to belong as if they have always been there, with only their own memories to remind them of what they have just gained--or lost. Those who are sent to Las Vegas find themselves very human and very ordinary, in a world that has never known them at all, and all are left to adjust without explanation or reassurance.]

[info]toberuled in [info]doors


[Louis D. Audio transcription. There are errors in the transcription in the form of occasional garbled, errant letters, which means the microphone is picking up some kind of very loud background noise.]

There's no way down.