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January 24th, 2013

[info]laminette in [info]doors

[Marvel → Gotham]

[Minutes after this, and once JARVIS has administered Bruce Banner's "cure," Selina opens her eyes and looks at the journals. She only sees the comment about Dick being dead, nothing more than that, and she unhooks her IVs and leaves Stark Tower behind without checking on Tony or discussing it with him. She knows it's only the Laz Pit juice that has her up and moving, even with her lingering cough, but she doesn't stop to think about it. She keeps control of Wren's body all the way back to Gotham, where she sends coordinates for the Batcave to Eddie.]

[info]laminette in [info]doors

[Bruce W, Tony S, Maddie Kate R, Evie S & Will L]

[Less than an hour after this.]

[Locked to Bruce W]
Please send him back.

[Not posted.]

[Locked to Tony S]
Is he okay?

[Not posted.]

[Locked to Maddie Kate R]
I'm sorry we all left without saying anything. I didn't realize I

[Not posted.]

[Locked to Evie S & Will L]
Hi, Evie and Will. I don't think I should can come get Gus yet, but I wanted to make sure he was okay. Can you just take him somewhere I can Is he okay? Is he happy?

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

Eddie N

[Posted anonymously, locked. A little while after this, though she's still in the hallway outside the DC door.]

That wasn't quite half an hour.
Tags: ,

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

Final Virus Update

[Following this post and the subsequent passing of information on by Oracle.]

After reception of the data on the cure, the CDC begins testing on what blood samples they already have. By noon they are testing on those willing to be a trial for it. By evening, they distribute the information to other infected cities with the precaution that it is not fully tested and has not passed through the FDA, but it if people are willing to try, it's the best of what they have right now.

It works, as does the vaccine distributed earlier this week, for all but the most advanced cases.

Meanwhile, they continue to caution about leaving homes unless absolutely necessary and urge the public to have their dead cremated if at all possible to further reduce possibilities of infection amongst those not cured and not vaccinated.

Gotham Children's hospital remains unaffected.

By Sunday, those cities able to manufacture the antiserum will have done so and distributed it to those willing. By Wednesday of next week, recovery from the virus seems to be well under way for those infected.

Socioeconomic recovery will take longer. Cities remain amongst the hardest hit, while less population dense areas and those communities that willingly cut themselves off from the world having fewer infected, if any at all. Worldwide, the loss of life is catastrophic.

Ra's al Ghul tops the FBI's Most Wanted list.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

oracle, batfam+, selina k., damian w.

[Within an hour or so of this, and the cure being distributed. Fuzzy timelines ftw.]

[isolated comm: oracle]

[Very, very tightly controlled anger.] There was a break-in. The Cave. Dick's body is gone. What have you managed to find out?

[batfam+ comms]

Status? [...] Have you all been vaccinated, and for those who were infected, received the cure?

[locked to selina k.]

[It's a long shot, but he has to try.] [...] Selina?

[locked to damian w.]

[Before crossing back through.] Tim tells me you've returned.

[info]antiqued in [info]doors

[Wren M]

[Locked to Wren M]

[After finally getting some time in Vegas since Crane showed up.]

Please tell me that you are safe.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[Bailar, a small dance studio on the strip that has recently been the sight of Giacoma activity, closes its doors for the last time after Thursday's morning classes. The tiny students have all been taken care of, with vouchers for classes at another studio in the city, and the teachers have all been paid a month's severance. The property itself has already been purchased by a local developer who has plans to tear it down and build an Elvis themed buffet on the land.]

[info]watson_md in [info]doors


Bronchitis sucks. Business trips suck. Daytime television really sucks. I have been coughing my brain out and my mother is threatening to send vats of borshch by express mail to make sure I feel better. I don't even know.

There. That's at least five minutes of whining no one in this house had to listen to. Success.

[info]throughwalls in [info]doors


Okay so. Hypothetically speaking, if you find yourself in the hospital and need to call someone to spring you out, who's the best choice.  I have a half brother, a diner owner who thinks I'm annoying, and a friend I'm not so sure where I stand with. Hypothetically speaking. So. Advice?

[info]redrobin in [info]doors

jim m

[Locked: Jim/Tim]
Door's safe now.  There's a vaccine at Wayne Manor for Damian that he should grab, but otherwise, it's safe for him to come back. [...] And I've been taking care of his kitten.

[info]ex_reds113 in [info]doors

[Adam W]

[Locked to Adam W]
[As Ainlsie B, and after much consideration.] Ada, you are to tell me of all the wonderful things you have done while I have been away, si?

[info]boredpursuit in [info]doors

[After trying to get a hold of Olive.]

Friend of mine went missing. Took all my bloody postcards with her.