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August 5th, 2012

[info]huntsforher in [info]doors


Hey Vegas,

Stop being on fire. Its hot as a motherfucker as is, and my detour to the skating rink took like 45 min. Get it together.

[Little hearts of sincerity drawn here.]

[info]withpurpose in [info]doors

Jules S, Ethan C, Bianca S

[While still in the hospital, passed off as 'journaling']

[Locked to Jules S]

Just checking in with you. I do hope that you are doing well.


[Locked to Ethan C]

I get out on Tuesday if everything progresses as it has been.

Thank you, for your help.

[Locked to Bianca S]

I wanted to apologise for the near-silence as of late. I hope you are faring well.

[info]cantstartafire in [info]doors

[Phone call from Bruce Banner to Gwen Stacy after he makes it back to his lab and finds all this]


[info]redrobin in [info]doors


I'm looking for a [...] friend of mine from Chicago a while back.

[info]agoodman in [info]doors

[Text to Justine S.]

Everything's moved out. I'll be staying at [address].

[info]leavethenest in [info]doors

[Private to Selina]

You were late.

You're only late when something goes wrong.

[info]adarkflash in [info]doors

[Private to Nell]

New objective. [Small time gang banger group information.] Scare them a little. Bring whoever you can in. Also. Fires seem to be a pressing matter.

[Private to Logan]

Didn't have time to talk before. Busy. No excuse, though.

[Private to Ainslie]

New possible vigilante. Gave him medical supplies. Foolish?

[info]onerule in [info]doors

wren m.

[locked to wren m.]

[Slow, careful typing, but there's still some corrected mistakes. Assuming, of course, it's still Selina.]

Where did you take him?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

public, andrew m.

One way or another, this city's going down.

Whether it's the hotel or the crime rate that does it is really up for debate.

[locked to andrew m.]

Let's talk, dead man.