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June 11th, 2012

[info]flamemustang in [info]doors

[Public Entry, posted by Sean Fulton]

I hear that some of my wayward siblings have made quite a name for themselves here in Las Vegas. It would seem that the industry has brought me here despite my success in New York.

Speak up, Fultons. Who's all here?

[info]crimsonstar in [info]doors

[Public Entry, posted as Mingmei]

The heat here almost reminds me of the heat at home in summer. At least here, I do not need to worry about the strong winds.

Filtered for Hunter )

[info]verveine in [info]doors

Cotton K

[After this.]

[Locked to Cotton K]
Your two hours has elapsed.

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors

alexander p.

[Following this, MK spends some more time at the party but leaves early to avoid questioning glances and concerned frowns. And of course, instead of avoiding the person who caused the drama, he's the first she dials up. Like Pym said, if they call you a monster long enough...]

[call to 'chris']

Ring, ring

[info]darkestfears in [info]doors

Mass Text

[To everyone on MK's contact list on her phone, coming from her number]

[The text comes Monday evening to everyone on her contact list, after the party and subsequent phone call to 'Chris'.]

Went to Hawaii.
Eloped with Chris.
Be back when they run out of rum.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[DC Door Update]

Shortly after this late night escape, breaking news cuts through television, the internet and radio. Doctor Crane and an unknown associate calling himself "The Riddler" have escaped Arkham. The Asylum itself is on lockdown as a severe security breach has sent the place into chaos. "It's like nothing I've ever seen," a doctor says breathlessly during a late night interview, "The screens just kept flashing riddles and green question marks."

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[In blocky, typed letters.]

With potent, flowery words speak I,
Of something common, vulgar, dry;
I weave webs of pedantic prose,
In effort to befuddle those,
Who think I wile time away,
In lofty things, above all day
The common kind that linger where
Monadic beings live and fare;
Practical I may not be,
But life, it seems, is full of me.


[info]ex_bloodofdr310 in [info]doors


[As Daenerys T.]

I have heard the Usurper's dogs baying, yet have seen none of the man himself here. Does he hide behind you, like the coward that he is?

[Warning: SPOILERS for the books likely!]