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April 1st, 2012

[info]author in [info]doors

I remember my mother playing April Fool's jokes on me. When I was thirteen, she told me that I was getting a new baby brother or sister. It was something I was really excited for being an only child. I spent the next several months giving her suggestions for names, never asking who the father was for that didn't matter to me, and planning all the things I was going to teach my new little sister or brother.

I was really disappointed when she told me, three months later, that it was all an April Fool's joke that she couldn't bear to break to me earlier because I was so excited.

Honestly. I still get a little mad at her about it even now.

So no jokes from me. I think this place has quite enough without playing pranks.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[public, various locks]

[Posted after a little more than 24 hours since the masquerade.]

[call to neil d.]


[locked to sam a.]

I'm fine.

[public, written anonymously]

I owe an apology to a woman in a stairwell. And a wolf.

[info]cursedlife in [info]doors


[posted anonymously]

To the one who took a drink from me, I wanted to let you know that I'm fine and still not angry with you. I thought you should know that. I do hope you're doing well and thought about what we talked about.

[info]notanadvantage in [info]doors

Elias M

[Locked to Elias M & Sherlock Holmes]
I think you're dealing with John Watson, but Mycroft says to let you know someone attacked Greg Lestrade during the party, as well, and likely it's not a coincidence. He says you're to look into it immediately.

[info]unluckyant in [info]doors

[Private to MK]

Don't remember any of it. Just dar You went through? After me?

[Private to Luke H.]

Luke? It's Waterhouse. Need a favor.

[Private to Dani S.]

Saw the texts. I'm sorry. Can't control him.

[info]wardenking in [info]doors


Gotta love holidays at a hospital. Even the minor ones. Maybe especially the minor ones. Keeps you on your toes.

A word of advice to, well, everyone. If you're planning on testing someone's sense of humor, make sure they have one first. Or at least stay out of arm's reach.

[info]darknesshasme in [info]doors

Public, Nathan R, Gideon A, Loren R

[A full day after Violet slips back through the door, while Tate still sleeps.]

I got someone I'm needing to thank, on account of them saving my life the other night. It was down at that lake beneath the party, and it was a woman wearing a mask.

[Locked to Nathan R]
I'm sorry I didn't make church on Sunday. That party kind of left me hurt, and then I got in all kinds of trouble with the folks I stay with.

[Locked to Gideon A]
They're having me go for some other job at the hotel, on account of me not knowing the names of the drinks and not showing up a few days straight.

[Locked to Loren C]
[...] Did you go?

[info]bound_by_honor in [info]doors

[public]; kit va

[Public, posted as Theodore W]

I know it's been a while since the party but [...] personal matters forced a delay in posting.  I ran across a child at the Masquerade looking for his mother and I wanted to make sure that he was okay. 

[Locked: Theodore W/Kit V-A.]

How are you enjoying your new room?

[info]cantstartafire in [info]doors

[Call to Nell Monarch]
From Anton's number, she'd know it


[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[It's a long shot. Part Tate's idea, and part his own. Posted in a handwriting that's so delicate it surprises even him. Girlish cursive.]

I'm looking for somebody from the party. You, sharp biting teeth. Me, white tutu, bleeding.

[info]comeawaywithme in [info]doors

[Email to Kate Rutledge ( from Jack Rutledge (]

Sold the boat. Put your half in your account. Consider that issue done.


[info]willneverlie in [info]doors

public, kellan z., meredith j.


I suppose this would count as the calm after the storm. Boring Everyone's largely recovered from the masquerade, I hope? Tell me all your stories, peonsWait your turn, please

[Call to Kellan Z., from an untraceable number.]


[Locked to Meredith J.]

How's Vegas treating you so far?

[info]earhat in [info]doors

Call to G. Lestrade

[First, a call to D.I. Lestrade, and then if that doesn't work, he'll post to Micah.]

[info]silverandsteel in [info]doors

Call to P. Pott's/Felicia F.'s phone.

[Following recent bug-zapping that's not quite up yet but will be soon completely up already. Also after the job posting. Fuzzy timeline is fuzzy. Ring.]

[info]twostepsahead in [info]doors

[job posting]

[Public, by Felicia F.]

I'm currently looking for managers for Wallace Garage, located just off the Strip at [Address].  Daily responsibilities would include running the day to day business, supervising the mechanics and rectifying customer issues immediately.  3-5 years experience preferred, as well as a relevant degree.  Please email your resume and cover letter to

[Links to more detailed job description & posting on various job websites such as Monster and CareerBuilder.]

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Neil D, Liam R, Aiden S

[Posted as Christine D., without specifics, because anyone through the door would know what has happened.]

[Locked to Neil D & Erik]
Monsieur, are you well?

[Locked to Liam R & Raoul]
[...] Raoul, what have you done?

[Locked to Aiden S & Nadir]
Monsieur, I only wished to check on you.

[info]ex_storytell632 in [info]doors

Text: Felicia Fulton

[Once she's already at the bar during this email thread.]

[Text Message to Felicia F]

I know it's Sunday night but I really need drinks. Do you feel up for it?

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

Louis D., Sam A., Damin W.

[After she returns from being through the Paris door with Sam. She went to her doctor's appointment with a bad (smoke-induced) cough and played off her earlier call as a panic attack. After convincing her doctor that she was fine, she was sent home with a prescription for a different anti-anxiety prescription.]

[Email to Louis D.]


There is no need to apologize. I realize that our current situation sometimes lends itself to time spent elsewhere. I admit that I am having some concerns, but doing my best to address them for now. I have [...] avoided the hospital for the time being. I have also retrieved my key from the apartment manager and will give it to you personally next time we see each other.

In the case that things escalate without my realizing them, and I am aware this may have already happened without my knowledge, please use the numbers I provided in my earlier email to see to my admission to a facility again. I feel ill-prepared to make such a determination at the moment.

I hope that you are well, and I hope to hear from you soon,

[Text to Sam from the number she used to call Iris.]

Please let me know when you are back. I am worried.

[Locked to Damian W.]

Very little has changed. But I am still here.

[info]madameroyal in [info]doors


Tryst or Pure?

Which is the better venue?