11th January 2013

[info]starduchess in [info]do_me_veela

Poetry: Trapped in Blackened Ways - Severus/Harry - R

Repost from last year's fest on LJ.

Title: Trapped in Blackened Ways
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Prompt #: 81 by me
Rating: R
Word Count: ~1110
Summary: Severus hides his dark Veela nature, for he does not wish to subject his painful reality on the golden innocence of his mate, Harry.
Warnings: (mini) epic-poetry style, violence, pain as pleasure
Betas: [info]sighing_selkie and [info]miss_e , thank you, ladies!
A/N: originally written for [info]do_me_veela 2012 Valentine's Day Fest.

Trapped in Blackened Ways )


[info]starduchess in [info]do_me_veela

Fic and Art: Structures in Adversity - Severus/Harry - R/NC-17

Title: Structures in Adversity
Author: [info]starduchess
Artists: [info]sealcat and [info]froggie
Pairings: Severus/Harry, Draco/Hermione
Fic Rating: R
Art Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~67,400
Content/Warning(s): Chan (Severus and Harry are both 17), time travel, Veela, canon torture (Hermione), angst
Summary: When Harry travels back in time, he never imagined how awkward his world would become. Unfortunately, coming back to the present contains its own hardships.

A/N: OMG, I’ve never written anything this long before, so this was a huge challenge for me. I want to thank the mods for their patience and assistance to all of us writers and to all my fellow writers in the BB comm who helped cheer me on. An amazingly big thank you goes to [info]ashiiblack and Badgerlady for the super-speedy beta job.

This has lots of angst in it, but it has a happy ending, I promise you!

Disclaimer: A few lines might have been taken directly from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. No copyright infringement is intended. I own nothing you see.

Part One, Foundations in Time and Space
Part Two, Resolutions in Present Tense

Please comment on one of the three [info]snape_potter journals. The fic and art are all on DW and you can leave comments there, or there is a link at the bottom of part two to go back to LJ or IJ for commenting.