21st February 2011

[info]sealcat in [info]do_me_veela

Fanart: Calming Kiss, HP/SS

Title: Calming Kiss
Artist: [info]sealcat 
Prompt: #360 Rogue Death Eaters kidnap Severus when he is exonerated after the Second Wizarding War. His Veela mate, Harry, will stop at nothing to get him back. With Additions: vengeful!Harry, kiss upon rescue, gritty warehouse or dungeon.
Gift to: [info]starduchess 
Rating: PG-13 for kissing, R for disturbing scene
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Medium: Ink and markers
Summary: Because his mate mate been kidnapped, Harry's Veela part went feral, and anyone that have harmed his mate will pay the price. Only his mate able to calm him down.
Warning: Background is somewhat disturbing if you see carefully...
Artist's note: Dear [info]starduchess , thank you so much for your prompts! Hopefully it will meet everything you want in this prompt, and hope you will like it :)
Disclaimer: This fanart is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made, no copyright or trademark infringement, or offense is intended. All characters depicted in sexual situations are above the age of consent.

Calming Kiss )