May. 5th, 2011


I wonder which part of this will leave the scar? (aimlog)

Who: Neri Sandoval and Lalo Inocencio
What: A late-night chat for her, a morning one for him
Where: On the intarwebz
When: 05/04/2011
Rating: CF for Cue Facepalming

It's what he isn't saying that should worry you... )

Apr. 9th, 2011


Sunday at the Beach with Art

Locals call it "the art show", but it's much more than that. Every Sunday the weather allows, Chase Palm Park plays host to artists not only of paint and sculpture, but of a staggering array of other mediums and handicrafts as well. The green strip of grass between East Beach and Cabrillo Boulevard fills up with a colorful and varied display of mosaics, jewelry, fabric crafts, glasswork, pottery, handmade toys, knicknacks of all descriptions, wind-chimes and yes, paintings and sculpture, all with their artists present and hoping to entice those strolling the sidewalk into making a purchase or two. It all looks very California-casual on the surface, but competition for spaces is juried and fierce, especially for the best spots nearest Stearn's Wharf, where a handful of food vendors can be found.

It certainly makes for a pleasant Sunday stroll... )

The wide variety of items on sale means that there's a pretty something to fit nearly any budget or taste. Those who are absolutely determined to hang onto their cash flow can still enjoy the walk, the displays, the people-watching, the occasional street performer and the views of the Pacific on one side and the town on the other.

Fortunately very few of those artists, locals and tourists have any idea just how unusual some of the people out enjoying the day with them actually are...

This is an open group thread, so your characters can start and participate in as many threads as they like. Enjoy!

Mar. 16th, 2011


Who: Lys Trahern and OPEN
What: Not how she pictured today, but them's the breaks.
Where: Earthfoods, a small organic food co-op.
When: Early afternoon
Rating: Pfffft.

spring was almost here )

Mar. 5th, 2011


Sunrise, sunrise

Who: Tadhg MacEibhir and ... someone. Or ones.
What: An early morning spent sketching, thinking and ...?
Where: Goleta Beach, east end.
When: Sunrise (around 6:30 am) to start, 03/05/2011
Rating: I will be very surprised if anything over mild PG crops up.

Looks like morning in your eyes )