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Perfume: The OOC Community

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The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children.
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New Character for Allie! [Apr 6th, 09
3:21 pm

Because I just couldn't stay away from having one for too long...

I would like to introduce everyone to my newest character, Amelia Ludlow. She is twenty-six years old, and has recently moved to Sedona with her younger brother, Alfred, who is eighteen.

A little background on Amelia. She grew up in a very wealthy family back east (think like New York City), where her father was a high-ranking VC official. She led a very sheltered life up until she about sixteen, when her father mysteriously passed away and all of her family's money was STOLEN from her and her two brothers, Henry and Alfred. The three children then went to live with their mother's sister and her husband, and Amelia threw herself into schoolwork, mostly to distract herself from everything negative that was going on in her life. Her oldest brother, believing that Augustus Brohm was the reason behind their father's death, joined Iscariot, unbeknownst to Amelia and Alfred. Henry was recently killed in an Iscariot bombing that he helped plan, and Amelia, sick of all the tragedy in her life, decided to move out west with Alfred to Sedona, where she is the newest schoolteacher. Poor Johannes, surrounded by all these women. :P Her and Alfred live in a local boarding house.

Amelia, overall is a very kind and caring woman, though she is strict with her students and doesn't tolerate goof-off/horseplay in the classroom, and is not fond of when they don't turn in their assignments on time. She doesn't drink, like some of the females around here, and is an innocent, untouched, never-even been kissed virgin. After all, she was raised to be a proper lade. ;)


PB Style Switch [Apr 5th, 09
9:35 pm

After getting critique that's helped this RPG run better [layouts, links, etc], the mods have sought the opinions of every player on switching to photo/actor PBs. Why? We got this comment:

"Oh, by the way. I don't know if I said it or not but: I think you're probably missing a lot of folks by only accepting anime PBs. I've heard from a lot of people they'd be interested in the game if not for that."

Since animated and photo-realistic PBs clash, we've decided on advice to opt for the latter. One of us has been seeking the opinions of every player and have managed so far to get the opinions of everyone but two, DSM and SVE. A message has been sent to the latter and we're waiting for DSM to get online. If everyone can reply with PBs they'd like for their characters I'll get around to editing the PB table at a later date.

Useful link, if this happens - Mass Uploader. Use this to upload your icons.

Long time no chatter [Apr 4th, 09
3:45 pm

Okay so how is everyone. Sorry to be away so long. Family illnesses, and other things have been keeping me away. Sorry

So what's been happening with all of you?

New challengers have appeared! [Apr 4th, 09
10:09 pm

Introducing some new NPCs!

We have Elanore, Cedric's sister and Francine's daughter, with her own daughter Maddy, then we have Hugo and his daughter Jen. More information behind the cut!

Here be info! )

Meme [Apr 3rd, 09
11:24 pm

All of your characters have been given truth serum. Ask them a question (or three) and they will answer it honestly.

How this works:

1) Name a character and ask a question.

2) The player answers the question for their character.

3) Let other people ask some questions.

4) Rinse and repeat.

This is here to stop the friend pages getting spammed with OOC memes. It's just a fun thing, so you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. Nor do you have to answer questions that make you feel icky or would give away plot.

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