June 2018



December 22nd, 2017



Today is a very important day, citizens of Tinworth. Win or lose, I am honoured to be a continued part of such a wonderful, strong community that has weathered so much without losing stride.



Is there anything more satisfying than putting the automatic reply on your o-mail before a long weekend? Not much, I’d be willing to wager. Goodbye, London, I’ll see you next week. In the meantime I’ll be with my mother, ignoring the family and enjoying the usual excess of cheese and wine.

I have some extra decorations for you.



The warmest of congratulations to Mr. Robards. A race for a Wizengamot spot well won. It will be a pleasure to work with you.



gather around, kids, and let me spin you a yarn.

a few days ago, before death eaters INVADED MY HOME and broke my HAND, i went to a cafe in hogsmeade. i didn't have my ID on me but the barista knows me, knows i'm naught but a defenseless halfblood rather than some mangy wandless muggleborn, and gave me my latte and muffin. apparently this was a major mistake because the cafe has since been closed for a "HEALTH VIOLATION"

so maybe robards will help turn things around because this is absolute bullshit.



lol all you tinworth people are so dumb you're gonna get killed

you should leave all your money to francine's mum's escape fund though that'd be nice of you



Wow, it's almost like people don't like getting their homes set on fire and being routinely harassed and attacked or something.

In all seriousness, congratulations Ar Robards and Tinworth writ large. I've had the privilege of working with Gawain, he's a tireless and devoted civil servant. I've no doubt he will do his very best for Tinworth.