Step Into the Fandom Dimension

April 3rd, 2008

30 Van Helsing Icons (old and new) @ 11:54 am

Current Music: Billie Ray Martin - Your loving arms

When I put up the icon archive on my new Dracula fansite, I found several of my older icons too ugly to put up. Some I dumped alltogether, other were re-done - but the majority is brandnew.

van helsing icons van helsing icons van helsing icons

30 Van Helsing Icons underneath, a few slashy ones among them )

x-posted to [info]barbayat, [info]vampicons and [info]iconism

February 7th, 2008

10 Icons : Bram Stoker's Dracula @ 04:45 am

Current Mood: chipper

Bram Stoker's Dracula

9 more under the cut )

x-posted at [info]vampicons

December 9th, 2007

(no subject) @ 02:03 pm

Current Mood: artistic

So I combined both my fanlisting for the brothers into one site. As I had both listings now for almost two years and haven't added one tiny bit of extra, I decided I needed to change this.

So here are 28 icons featuring Murphy and Connor:

Boondock Saints Boondock Saints Boondock Saints

25 more underneath the cut )

x-posted to fan communties, Starless Night

So anymore fans of those two or the movie in general? The community on lj is pretty dead ...

August 9th, 2007

Pimping @ 11:41 pm


I just joined this asylum and I thought I'd pimp my icons out.

I've just uploaded 2500(ish) icons to my photobucket and posted them to my InsaneJournal - no that isn't a typo it really does say 2500 :D Obviously not all in one post. I have icons from quite a few fandoms as well as a lot of other things. They aren't all as great as I'd like (I've improved a lot since I started and uploading them all now I can see the first ones weren't that good).

I won't link to everything here but I will say everything is tagged so if you click on My Tags in my sidebar then you should be able to find them all pretty easily. I'll just post a few here as examples.

Some of them are NSFW.

Shinies )

I have all three CSIs, Empire Records, NCIS, WaT, Harry Potter, X-Men, Sharpe, Supernatural, Troy and many others.

Step Into the Fandom Dimension