Dgray-man community for the fans.

June 17th, 2008

02:25 pm - [info]allira_dream - D.Gray-man. - Doctor's Orders.

Title: Doctor's Orders.
Fandom: D.Gray-man.
Warnings: Innocence kink.
Characters/couples: Allen/Rabi.
Summary: Rabi knows that synchronization sometimes is stimulating; he had no idea just how intense it was for parasite types.
Rating: R/NC17.
Notes: Written for [info]springkink: D.Gray-Man, Allen/Rabi: accidental stimulation - "I never feared the unexpected/til I found myself in this peculiar place"

Doctor's Orders.

02:35 pm - [info]allira_dream - D.Gray-man - Know Your Enemy.

Title: Know Your Enemy.
Fandom: D.Gray-man.
Warnings: None.
Characters/couples: Allen, Kanda.
Summary: Kanda is the type of person who holds his honor so high that it pretty much means he's doomed at cards.
Rating: pg.
Notes: Written for [info]springkink: D. Gray-man, Kanda/Allen: strip poker - I’m not cheating, you just suck at this.

Know Your Enemy

02:39 pm - [info]allira_dream - D.Gray-man - Proof In Your Moves.

Title: Proof in Your Moves.
Fandom: D.Gray-man.
Warnings: AU - The one in which they're a rock band.
Characters/couples: Allen/Rabi, mentions of several others.
Summary: Allen says: 'I like the collar. You should keep it'. Rabi thinks: Why the hell not.
Rating: NC17.
Notes: Written for [info]springkink: D.Gray-Man, Allen/Rabi: collars - the clues to you and I are not so easily defined.

Proof in Your Moves.
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