D.Gray-man Dressing Room

Does this Innocence make my butt look big?

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The D.Gray-man Dressing Room - IJ Style!


January 24th, 2012

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[Alma has a very bad habit of showing up in random places. You don't know he's there 'til your vision goes black and white, and you've got a few seconds to get the hell away from wherever you are before he sees you. If he does see you? Usually he'll chase you until he gets bored... or until he catches you.

Then the fun times begin. :D

For now, though, there are Choices to be made. You suddenly see everything in gray-scale... what will you do?

1. Hide and hope to whatever God you believe in he doesn't see you
2. Run the hell away and hope he doesn't catch you
3. Try to talk to him. ... he may even talk back if you catch him at a lucid moment...
4. Die. :D]
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