Apr. 23rd, 2008


Burn!: Limerick; Padfoot, Wormtail PG-13

Title: Burn!
Prompt: [info]phoenix_flies drabble_a_thon: #33 Fire (I wrote two for this prompt)
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy in [info]dexy_demented
Rating: PG-13
Form: Limerick
Characters: Padfoot, Wormtail
Notes: AU, Post PoA Padfoot tracks down Wormtail and chases him into a forest fire.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is not mine, I make no money from it, I don’t intend to harm it or anyone else.


Burn you filthy rat!
Let's see you try to escape that!
Padfoot stood watch,
Lest this chance be botched.
When the squeals ceased, he finally sat.

Sep. 16th, 2007



Prompt: none
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy in [info]dexy_demented
Rating: PG-13 underage drinking
Form: Poetry: Limerick of 6 stanzas
Characters: MWPP
Notes: Stanza's 1-4 from each Marauder's pov. Stanza 5 all. Stanza 6 Sirius.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is not mine, I make no money from it, I don’t intend to harm it or anyone else.

Marauders  )