September 21st, 2007

[info]dead_sexydexy in [info]dexy_demented

Never At Peace, R

Title:Never At Peace
Prompt: Revenge
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy in [info]dexy_demented
Word Count 207
Characters: Sirius, Peter
Warnings Extreme violence including sodomy, dismemberment, and death
Notes: PoA Era, Dark.
Comments Give peace

Never at Peace )
Never at Peace

I awake in the still of the night

Consumed by nightmares of his treachery.

My grey eyes search him out by pale moonlight.

With low fierce growls, I stalk his every move.

My hot breath pursues his cowardly flight.

Run Peter! Worthless rat, he cannot hide.

No filthy hole will escape my keen sight.

Know when I find him the end won't be quick.

See this broom my murderous hand grips tight?

It will penetrated him. No pleasure…pain.

Tissues rip, tear, bleed. I pound with all my might.

See him grovel? Hear him whimper? Coward.

Next he'll feel fierce pain of my vengeful bite.

Watch, horrified as I tear off his feet.

Listen to his pitiful screams. Despite

his begging, I take his hands next. The

bones break with a sickening crack. Invite

confession of unforgivable sins

before I tear out his tongue to quiet

him who has caused so much pain in my life.

Chokes down his own blood. His final diet.

Smell death enter as he grows weaker, pales,

and stills. There's no joy in this kill despite

how much he deserved it. Nothing can change

the truth buried deep in my broken heart.

My trust in him tore the Marauders apart.