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Subject:Murderface: Hand-Me-Downs
Time:02:44 pm
Title of piece: Murderface: Hand-Me-Downs
Artist/Author: alwaysasnapefan
Rating: PG
Warnings/Summary: Murderface thinks. Short, and pretty darn random.
Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Metalocalypse, and I'm making no money by writing this.
Notes: Part one can be found here.

Murderface: Hand-Me-Downs
Corpses: Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:10:33 am
Current Mood:depressed
Chapters 4 and 5

Sorry this took so long in coming. I have been having computer issues and real life problems keeping me from writing. Hopefully the next will not be as long in coming.

Title: Discoveries
Author: Nathansslut
Pairing/characters: all the boys are here, eventually Nathan/Toki
Rating: PG
Summary: Nathan and Toki discover their feelings
Warnings: This chapter, swearing.  I mean it is Dethklok we're talking about here.
Disclaimer: Don't own, never have, never will.  Just having fun.

Corpses: 3 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:chapter 3
Time:11:25 am
Here is the next chapter.  I'm not happy with it.  I feel like I'm bouncing between characters too much, but I can't think of a way to write what I want without doing it.  Any suggestions would be nice, thank you.

Title: None yet
Author: Nathansslut
Pairing/characters: all the boys are here, eventually Nathan/Toki
Rating: PG
Summary: Nathan and Toki discover their feelings
Warnings: This chapter, swearing.  I mean it is Dethklok we're talking about here.

Disclaimer.  I do not own Dethklok, Charles Ofdensen, or Lucky Charms.  If I did you would be watching this garbage, lol.  I make no money off this, just having fun.

chapter 3 )
Corpses: 5 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Current Music:One Four Five -- the Cat Empire
Subject:Enjoy an april 1st
Time:04:58 pm
Title: I work for Deth
Author: narrettwist
Rating: g/pg
Warnings: nothing, unless random acts of accidental death
Summary: My very first Dethklok fan-fic, never before posted on a forum or something like that. Oh, it's about some random klokateer who wrote a book.
Disclaimer: It's lame but I don't own Metalocalypse.

I work for Deth )
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:untitled fiction
Time:06:05 pm
Begining to a multi chapter fic I have started writting. I'm not sure how ofter I'll be able to update, but I will when I can. Concrit welcomed!

Title: None yet
Author: Nathansslut
Pairing/characters: all the boys are here, eventually Nathan/Toki
Rating: PG
Summary: Nathan and Toki discover their feelings
Warnings: Uhm... only mention of child abuse for now.  Will change warning as needed

Corpses: 5 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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