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[01 May 2018|10:06am]
Posted after Destruction Island finds out about the protests on the mainland and the threat that they will all pay for one man's mistake.

I'm sorry. Did I fall back in history or something? When we blame an entire group of people for one man's mistakes? A man, that I would gladly point out, that we don't even know who it is. There is no proof that it was someone with abilities who did that. We have no idea who did it or the rationale behind it.

Sure, we live in a world of extreme reactions. We live in a world where violent acts are becoming more and more common. We live in a world where we think the safest of places are still safe and are horrified to find out otherwise. Others live in a place where it is common place for military to walk around with machine guns in order to keep the populace safe. We fight against one man and not against a false representation of a man.

If I sat here and said that we should destroy everyone who believes in Islam, would you not get up in arms? Would you not fight against that? Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every high schooler is a school shooter. Not every man is an abuser. And not every person with abilities is dangerous. Let's say that again for the people in the back: not every person with abilities is dangerous.

And last time I checked? I was still human. I believe the last scientific definition was that we were people who were suffering from a disease because some organization can't tell when their power plant is leaking deadly toxins into the air. Toxins that killed thousands of people. But who is rounding them up? Should we punish every single person who has anything to do with nuclear technology? Hmm, it seems like we might have to if we follow the logic that our government is spouting.

But let's talk about this island, shall we? You want to round up everyone who is different. When I came here, I was told this island was to help me. I was an orphan. My mother died from radiation poisoning. My father simply unavailable. I had no where to go and when I arrived here the only thing I knew was fear. It was not the government that helped me. It was not the government that taught me control of my new abilities. Sure, the government gave me a roof and food. They give me spending money. But aside from keeping me alive, I was on my own. Or I would have been if it was not for the others with abilities, reaching out to me, helping me learn how to deal with the new reality I have been thrown into.

Am I saying that if, in fact, whomever caused the explosion was one with abilities, is excused of his or her actions because life on the island is hard? Of course not. Violence should never be returned with violence. I am saying that sending more people here? Removing them from their lives? That is an act akin to violence. Keeping us here, away from our families and from the lives we had before? That is an act akin to violence. We are already being punished for acts that we have not done and acts that we will not do.

Allow me to end this with this: fear has never won any battles. Fear does not end wars but is the start of many. Your promise to hurt those with abilities as you fear to be hurt will not end in anything but bloodshed. It is a loss this world does not need.

[ viewing | May 1st, 2018 ]
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