July 2014



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Jul. 20th, 2014


Hi all. This'll be short and sweet since I'm on my phone (like always). I'm Katie (~kaytea) and I'm a stay at home mom to 2 girls, a 2.5 year old spitfire and a 2.5 month old snuggle bunny. Hence playing from my phone 9x out of 10.

This is Radley Much. His dad is Much the Miller's son - one of the Merry Men. Radley's a Greenhood and his specialty is the bow. His mom was a barmaid who was killed by a werewolf a decade ago when he was 16 (he's 26).
Important 411:
*He lies about what he's thinking and feeling. It's not your business really.
*He blames his dad for his mom's murder, so he pretty much has written him off.
*He really hates werewolves, but won't say so.
*He didn't finish school and when he was there he skipped a lot of classes. Greenhooding > Education.
*lots of stuff in his app if you want to know.

I think that's the gist of it! Looking forward to playing :-)

Jul. 16th, 2014


Welp, since Cate got the party started, I might as well join in!

I'm Eronn, and I probably know a bunch of you, but for those of you I don't know, hello! My CDJ can be found at [info]dundermifflin. Feel free to add me!

Right now I have two characters, and I'm working on a third. But for the ones I do have:

Philippa (this journal), daughter of Little Red Riding Hood. She's from Andalasia, and was basically raised to become a Redcloak, and joined when she was 18 (she's now 24). She really excels at horseback riding, although her skills with a sword are perfectly acceptable (how could they not be, with her mother?). It is rumored that her mother wants Philippa to take over the leadership of the Redcloaks, which...Philippa really doesn't want.

Elidora ([info]elidora), not to be confused with her cousin [info]elinora. Daughter of one of the ugly stepsisters of Cinderella. Dumb as a bag of rocks. Horrible taste in clothes. Completely devoted to her cousin, kind of like a puppy. Currently in Wonderland, serving as a Lady in Waiting to the Queen of Hearts.

So, friends, enemies, other plot? I'd love it all!

Jul. 15th, 2014


Hey all! I guess I'm the first. I'm Cate, and you can find me at [info]cate/itsjustcate/caterwaulings @ gmail.com. I love to plot, chat, whatever. GIVE ME PLOTS.

Let me introduce my four to you.

SANDRINE is my first. She's a pixie fairy godmother from Neverland who has been flitting about the kingdoms since she left there three years ago to become a fairy godmother. As a note, the pixies of Neverland are largely undisturbed even with all the problems between Merdelle and Hook. But as a fairy godmother, she sides with Merdelle.

Sandrine is someone with a lot of 'false' humility -- she thinks she isn't as good as she is. She's indecisive but cooperative. She's desperately seeking princesses or damsels in distress that will allow her to ~save~ them. She interned in Arendelle, Andalaysia and Devorier the past few years on her break (she hasn't been to Pixie Hollow since she joined the guild). I'd love friends, princesses who potentially need her, characters that would benefit or be annoyed by Sandrine's help.

(HE)LENA/[info]drench is a princess of Merdelle. She's the youngest of three children with a twin sister, Lyra. Helena can turn into a mermaid. She's feisty and mischievous, impractical but self reliant. Lena is very outgoing but she is also someone who is very private about her personal life. While she's doing what she can to gain support for Merdelle, that doesn't mean she's planning on becoming best friends with those she talks to. I'd love people she can try to get support from, people for her to have pulled pranks on as a youngster, and people who she met while they vacationed in Merdelle.

FEI YEN/[info]plucky is the crown princess of Shenzhou. She has Shen's obedience, Mulan's diligence and ability to hold a burden. But unlike her parents she also possesses a certain grace and forgiveness. While Fei Yen has been working at 'running' different elements of the kingdom for some time, she convinced her parents to allow her to spend time as a soldier for Dragon Corps and has been doing that the past two years. She knows that soon she will have to return to the palace, but with the wanderlust and thirst for adventure like her parents before her, she wants to enjoy what she has now while she can. I'd like to develop relationships with Dragon Corps members, MORE SHENZHOU CHARACTERS PLEASE, some friends that have a mild temperament, and IDK anything.

ELINORA/[info]elinora is my Wonderlander. She's the daughter of Anastasia Tremaine (Cinderella's stepsister), and is a very bad person. She tries to get as much power as she can and hopes to one day have a kingdom. She wants to rule but is more of the sort of cutthroat person who is good at conquering and not so much ruling. Her best friend is her cousin, Elidora, and together they are like Pinky and the Brain. Hurt Elidora and you will pay. She needs friends and friends and people she can backstab.