[023] it's been awhile.

mood: blah
Yesterday was 2 weeks since the surgery. I have spent the entire two weeks laying around all day every day. I still can't comfortably use my computer, which has really limited my time online. I'm barely checking the fediverse and I haven't been on here at all. It's weird to be so disconnected considering how isolated it makes me, but I guess my body has just needed that to recoup.

I can mostly move like normal now but still have soreness and major swelling. The incisions look repulsive and I don't see how they will ever get to the point of just being scars. I'm trying not to look at them much because it disgusts me. Just absolutely nasty.

My caretaker is out of town so I am struggling a bit right now. I have just been ordering delivery to eat because I have to use the little energy and strength I have to take care of the animals. It's just really expensive to live like this and it's not sustainable.

I have had a migraine for 2 days now but I haven't taken my rx medication because the couple of times I did earlier in my recovery were awful. The medication works by opening the blood vessels and that was causing my pain and swelling to be so much worse. Nothing else works on my migraines though, so I have been suffering. I hope it goes away soon.
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[022] sleep dumped me again.

mood: awake
I haven't been able to sleep since the surgery, and it's really starting to frustrate me. My body absolutely needs the rest to heal but refuses to participate. I have just been laying here all night every night. I've tried adjusting pillows, using the wedge pillow, not using it, using a travel pillow, using a weighted blanket, using no pillow, and there's only one conclusion: I will never be able to sleep on my back. I don't know how I'm going to do this for another 3+ weeks. The post-op directions say not to sleep on your stomach for at least 4 weeks and I know with my lack of resting I am going to be behind in the healing schedule.

Healing in general has been rough. The first 3 days were unbearably bad and not being able to sleep them off made it all the more terrible. There was a point on Thursday where I was just crying and wailing so loud and long that the dogs started to howl along with me. In other circumstances it would have been cute but I obviously couldn't appreciate it.

Today was a little bit better because I figured out a way to make the bandage wrap I have to wear 24/7 stay put for about 60% of the time. It really beats the 10% of the time I was getting before. The awful pain in my arms also subsided a little so I have a tiny bit more movement in them, which has helped a lot with doing things without help.

I have my first follow up appointment on Tuesday, which will be the one week mark, and I'm hoping that between now and then, I'll see a lot more improvement in my mobility. At best I am able to move like Frankenstein with T-Rex arms right now, so there's a lot more to be desired.
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[021] just checking in.

mood: exhausted
It’s been a rough few days but I’m getting through. I’ll make a proper update once I get some energy back and can use my laptop.
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