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Friday, March 7th, 2008
4:51 pm - German book site?

Is anyone aware of a site where books in German can be downloaded for free - something like Project Gutenberg, where older books with no copyright constraints are made accessible to readers?

I would be grateful for any suggestions.

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2008
7:19 pm

I was looking for sites to learn German last night and found this to be very useful.

Learn German with the Music of David Hasselhoff

current mood: amused

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Sunday, January 27th, 2008
10:22 am - Österreichisch/Deutsch/Englisch Wörterbuch

Some of you may already know that I live in Vienna at the moment; I'm here on my college's study abroad program. I was talking with [info]rattenmaus last night (or rather, this morning) and at some point I said something about how when we learn German in school they teach us Hochdeutsch... and then we go on this program to Austria.

In short, the German spoken in Austria is different from what we learn in school, which can lead to confusion. So for all you students of German who may be thinking of studying in Austria, or for people who are just curious, I've put together this table of Austrian words, followed by their Hochdeutsch and English counterparts.
Read more... )

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Monday, January 21st, 2008
7:14 pm - Use of 24 hour clock

Hallöchen, I have a question about times. Or better said, the way you tell the time in English.

Is it true that you do not use the 24 hour clock? (16.00 for 4 in the afternoon etc.) Or do you only use it in special cases, like when telling when a tv show is to start?

I am really confused about this.

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
11:04 pm - A question!


I have a question. Hopefully someone can be of help. I was wondering how do you express "jeder mit jedem" in English? "Each with everyone" came to mind at first, but I'm not 100% sure if it's correct.

Could someone please enlighten me?

Thanks a lot!

current mood: working
current music: Stereophonics: Stone

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Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
3:22 pm - Cases in German and English. :D

(AKA, [info]mercurychaos nerds about linguistics because she is bored.)

I know what you're all thinking now. "Huh? English doesn't have cases, does it?" Well, that's not completely true... English does indeed have cases, they're just hiding all ninjalike. This is mostly because a lot of the pronouns we use fell out of use or became similar over time, especially for accusative and dative: instead of having "ihn" and "ihm", we say "him" for both.

But the thing is, most native English speakers (at least, the ones I know) don't know this, and consequently use "whom" incorrectly... and not only does this make you sound silly, but knowing and recognizing cases in English makes it easier to learn them in German.

o rly? ya rly! :D )

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Monday, January 7th, 2008
5:24 pm - Amusing Link

Some of you may have heard of the book "The Fool English! - How Our Language Gets Lost in Translation". The link leads to some quotes from it, some of which are from German-speaking countries and all of which are pretty funny. The one that caught my eye was from a restaurant menu in Vienna:

"Fried milk, children sandwiches, roast cattle and boiled sheep."

Now, the last two kind of make make sense... and I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be "children's sandwich" (as in, sandwiches for children)... but I haven't got a clue what "fried milk" is supposed to be.

Also, we have tags now. :D

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Sunday, January 6th, 2008
3:14 am - Can anyone identify this quotation?

Happy New Year to all!
Can anyone identify the following quotation?

Quoted in Cornelia Funke's Inkheart (Tintenherz), but not sourced:

"An author can be seen as three things: a storyteller, a teacher or a magician -
but the magician, the enchanter is in the ascendant."

Any ideas? The quotation is placed directly in the text, & Funke only identifies the source as "a famous writer". I tried googling the quote - no luck! It may even be translated from German, as I'm reading Funke's English translation.
ETA: erisreg from [info]writers_cafe has found the source for me - it is a paraphrasing from Nabokov. "There are three points of view from which a writer can be considered: he may be considered as a storyteller, as a teacher, and as an enchanter. A major writer combines these three—storyteller, teacher, enchanter—but it is the enchanter in him that predominates and makes him a major writer. Thanks erisreg.

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Monday, December 24th, 2007
8:57 pm - FSI Language Courses

I hope this is okay to post here, and thought maybe some would find this useful! I got this through my dad, and might end up poking around in the Greek material to brush up on that language too.

Have you ever wanted to study a foreign language but weren’t ready to attend classes or weren’t sure which program to buy at the store? Well, now the language courses developed by the Foreign Service Institute for the United States government are available to the public.

These free language courses are available in electronic format on the Web site

An independent nonprofit effort to foster the learning of worldwide languages led to the creation of this online program. Courses are available in electronic format because of the private efforts of individuals who are donating their time and resources to provide quality materials for language learning.

The program requires no registration and no fee.

(This notice was sent out by the Military Officers Association of America)
The German texts and tapes (yes, there's an audio portion!) is at

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Monday, December 10th, 2007
1:33 pm - Herzlich Willkommen im Denglish Asylum!

Willkommen im Denglish Asylum, ein Kontaktpunkt für Englisch- und Deutschsprachige InsaneJournaler! Ich bin eure Mod, MercuryChaos. Ich komme aus den Vereinigten Staaten und mache ein Dopplestudium (Germanistik und Kunst) an der Uni. Ich habe zwei Jahre Deutsch an meiner Uni zu Hause gelernt und auch zwei Monate am Goethe Institut in Deutschland. Jetzt verbringe ich ein Jahr in Wien, Österreich mit einem "Studium im Ausland" Programm. Falls ihr Fragen oder Probleme habt, oder einfach "Hallo" sagen möchtet, könnt ihr hier einen Kommentar hinterlassen. Es freut mich, euch kennenzulernen. :D

Welcome to the Denglish Asylum, a point of contact for English- and German-speaking InsaneJournalers! I am your mod, MercuryChaos. I'm from the United States, and doing a double major (in German Studies and art) at my college. I've been learning German for two years at my college at home, as well as two months at a Goethe Institut in Germany. Right now I'm spending a year in Vienna, Austria on a "study abroad" program. If you have questions or problems, or just want to say "hi!", you can leave a comment here. I look forward to getting to know everyone. :D

Note: As the German-speakers have probably already noticed, my German is nowhere near perfect. If I've made any glaring grammatical errors, please feel free to correct me.

ETA: Veilen dank to [info]reijamira for correcting my grammar and Rechtschreibung... none of my German teachers took the spelling reform seriously, so I learned it the old way. ^_^;

current mood: accomplished

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