Degrassi Rp's Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Degrassi Rp's InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, August 9th, 2008
    3:40 am
    Still needing members and a co-mod.
    Sunday, August 3rd, 2008
    5:35 pm
    Still looking for members and a co-mod.

    Current Mood: bored
    Sunday, July 27th, 2008
    12:07 am
    To Join....
    This is a degrassi rp. It is a SERIOUS rp, meaning you must post at least twice a week. An AIM screenname is also reccomended but not required. You may only have up to two charas that you play. NO MADE UPS. You must have icons of your chara to use and the journal must be for that chara only. You do not have to follow the show exactly, but no extremes. Ex: Darcy is not a drug addict and Manny isn't a virgin, etc. If you do not post twice a week you will be booted. ((If you are going on vacation, etc, let me know and you may keep your chara.)) Also, I am looking for a co-mod.

    To join please fill this out.

    Actual Email:
    Character Applying For:
    Journal For Character:
    AIM Screenname:
    Why you are a good choice for this chara:
    Can you post twice a week:
    Have you been in a degrassi rp before?:

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