Dec. 18th, 2011



Hello everyone!

My name is Pixie Kruspe. I'm sorry I haven't been around to introduce you to the site and assist in medical needs but I was tied up in hospital for a while and only just managed to get back to work.

Here at the base I will be your General Practitioner, or doctor. I'm also here as someone to talk to. I am an invaluable resource so if you have any questions of concerns please don't hesitate to ask.

Over the next few weeks I will be working with you closely to ensure you recieve the best benefit from this program.

On a different note; If there is anyone who has brought their child with them I would appreciate it if you brought your son/daughter for a full exam to make sure they are growing up good and strong.

That's all from me. I'd love to hear from you all. my AIM screen name is DrPKruspe

Looking forwards to hearing from you.

Dec. 17th, 2011



Well here I am. Stuck in this shit-hole. Militants crawling all over the place. No fucking booze or smokes. Not a woman in sight except for the apparent guy I'm supposed to fucking impregnate otherwise i'm sent back to prison. I'd rather prison honestly.

So yeah. Hey. I'm Andy. I've noticed the fliers they have up about me. You all probably got one. It's not a bad photo of me honestly. Except now I have black hair and a neck tattoo.

This home detention thing is boring so I'll leave contact details and see how many of you want to kick me out.


Hit me up, bitches.

Dec. 10th, 2011


[No Subject]

Looks like Matt and Brian didn't really leave anything for me to say besides if anyone hurts Gena or my dogs while I'm gone, I'm going to rip the military apart with my bare hands and make you eat'em.
Besides that, I'm Zack Baker, most people know me as Zacky Vengeance, rhythm guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold, and I refuse to say that in a past tense.
So first, they fuck up by making all the women sterile, THEN they have mans getting mockginas, then they lock us up like monkeys to get each other pregnant?
World? You fail.

Dec. 8th, 2011


I'm here to make the party super naughty, and a dash violent.

I'm Synyster Gates, and allow me to make acquaintance and your life a never ending tail of misery, filthy innuendos, dirty secrets and my incredibly distaste for society the bane of your social stirrings.

I'm allowed to keep things short and sweet, thanks to our lead singer word vomiting everything I have to say about our great, superior nation who can now find the biggest international dildo and ride it.

Welcome to hell kiddos, hold on to your balls because it's about to get ugly as fuck.

[No Subject]

I wanna go home...Its scary here..I don't wanna have a baby! And I don't even want to live in America..
Please let me go home!!