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can you step up to the ultimate challenge? [
February 8th, 2008 @ 8:43am

As most of you may or may not know, I'll be leaving in two weeks on a family vacation and will be gone February 23 until March 6 or 7. I think we come home on March 5, but I honestly don't remember. I won't want to remember when I come home considering we're visiting lots of tropical places. Anyway, since the entire week before the trip will be last minute running around like crazy people week packing and getting ready, I will probably not post any new threads/google docs/etc beginning the end of next week. I will also be working to make sure any threads I currently have open are wrapped up in some way, shape or form so I don't leave anyway sitting and waiting for me to get back a week and so many days later.

That said, if anyone had any future plans for threads/google docs/etc for Alicia, I would love you forever if you let me know now and we can get those out of the way. If not, that's even better!

I haven't quite decided what I'm going to be doing with Alicia while I'm away. I may just leave them where they are and just let people have at them when and if they're needed. ;)

That's all for now. :)

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February 4th, 2008 @ 12:53pm

I have not been here long but I already am bowing out of this game. My other games are taking up a lot of my time and I do not have the time for this group.  The only people I had to interact with Cho was Padma as she was one of the few people to actually reply to her journal.

I wish you all the best.

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Quick Sketch. Twins in bikinis. [
January 29th, 2008 @ 7:57pm

You people bring this sort of thing on yourselves. )
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Hello! [
January 27th, 2008 @ 1:13am

Greetings! I'm Kellie and I will be bringing your resident Alicia Spinnet!

All of her information can be found here, but since it gets a bit lengthy in the history, I'll just spam the basics!

- She works as an assistant with her father at St. Mungo's in the Plant and Poison division. She actually works for her father as his assistant. Perks and all or something like that.
- Her father is a pureblood, but her mother was a muggle-born and, therefore, is no longer living. In an attempt to keep he and Alicia safe, Richard Spinnet announced a shaky loyalty to Voldemort. Alicia is, of course, very unhappy about this and really only speaks to her father on a need-to basis.

Those are, really, the only important things (I think!) about her.

I can be reached at zangarmarshling on AIM or at Either way is fine to contact me by!

Looking forward to playing/plotting with everyone! :)
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January 25th, 2008 @ 8:32pm

Hello dearests,

Amanda here, your resident Alecto Carrow among others. I bring news from Amy (Amycus, Sean + Victoria) and myself.

After clearing it with our lovely mod, Hermeh. We've decided to let the Carrows come out and play a bit with the kiddies of Hogwarts.

Here are the ground rules reached by Hermeh, Amy, and myself.
-No student is going to undergo anything worse that Crucio and the full Crucio will not even be performed.
-Despite the fact that according to DH it occured often, this will not be a frequently acted out occurence.
-No one has to be punished by the Carrows unless it's canon (ie: Seamus and Neville have no real option)
-All third person thread/log entries will come with the proper amount of warnings so anyone uncomfortable with reading material of a violent/semi-violent nature may skip over it.
-You have the option of threading it out with Alecto, Amycus, or both.
-You may also discuss the option of only updating a journal entry about it if you think it's appropriate for your character but don't feel comfortable roleplaying out such a thread.
-No one will be killed, no one will be brought to near-death.

If you comment this entry because you want some Carrow-un-lovin' we'll get in touch with you when we decide it's appropriate and talk about what you want to do. We'll only be plotting out one occurance at a time because no one wants to read back to back daily entries of this.

Please note when considering submitting your own character's name usually it seems the Carrows found a reason to punish the students, whether they spoke out against them, were non-compliant with their requests, etc. A Slytherin most likely will not be tortured. A pureblood will not be hexed as badly. etc.

Okay, that's it.

my aim: ARUSH35
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January 13th, 2008 @ 8:08pm

Hello my name is Ana and i was just accepted into this game. My character here is Cho Chang!

She was my second ever canon charrie I ever played so I love her a lot. She just graduated Hogwarts and got accepted into Auror training a month or two ago. Most people probably never expected her to want to go into that, but my Cho likes to surprise people. This is her one last gift to Cedric in a way. She wants to get revenge on the people who killed him, so in her mind that meant becoming an Auror!

Though since the Ministry is filled with DE's and such she is training in the Ministry in Ireland though she still has a flat in Camden Town, London, England.

She is a shy, reserved girl who is open to people of ANY house and is not a judgmental person. She is very sweet and does not raise her voice unless angered. Umm, she is in the Marriage Program but I need a DE/Bad Guy to be her husband!!

Other info you should know is that she is a Pureblood and her father supports the DEs and tries to get Cho to join but she refuses every time. So the Death Eaters would probably know of her father since he is contact with them quite a bit.

I recommend reading over her profile since that does a much better job at explaining her than I am doing right now.

My aim is spiceSchick btw!
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Baaa! [
January 9th, 2008 @ 6:27pm

Name: Cristina!
Nickname: Cristina!
Age: 21
Residence: Home! Long Island, New York!
Occupation: College drop out! But only because of money issues! WOOO :[
Hobbies: Ummm I love to write, act (when I was in school D:), RP of course, reaaad
Fandoms: Err I only RP Harry Potter
Favorite CANON HP Pairing: R/Hr (uh hello) and J/L (we pretty much created the fandom kthx)
Favorite FANON HP Pairing: Hmmmmmmmm Ima go with Emmeline Vance and Remus Lupin :[ Cause I can. And he's standing next to her in the Order picture and he introduces her first to Harry and yeah XD
Favorite HP book(s): Oooh well it was PoA for a long time because of all the MWPP, but ugh I can't decide after the last two cause it's always like OMG I LOVE THIS ONE---
Favorite HP character(s): Ron Weasley and James Potter and Remus Lupin!
Least Favorite HP character(s): Hrmmmmm. I can say Umbridge because I've never actually been MAD at a character like her before. And Snape. Sure he was a good guy, but he was a damn bastard throughout seven books. Com one XD
Random piece of information about you:
- I'm...full Puerto Rican and can barely speak Spanish? But that's not unique to Nuyoricans lmao
- Obsessed with Grey's Anatomy :]
- Dating the same guy for over seven years now! Woot!
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January 9th, 2008 @ 10:55am

Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I will offline for a week or so. My laptop has been loved and used a bit too much, and as a result several of my keys are completely missing. My laptop is being sent back to Dell to be fixed, so I'm going to be without internet.

(Cad, Susan, Millicent, Angelina)
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January 8th, 2008 @ 9:40pm

Name: Kaitlyn
Nickname: Katie, preferrably. I do answer to Kate though.
Age: 18
Residence: School -- Grand Rapids, Michigan. Home -- Rochester, Michigan
Occupation: Poor college student and part-time web designer.
Hobbies: Swimming, reading, graphic design, writing and RP-ing, of course.
Fandoms: The big three -- Harry Potter, Heroes and Twilight.
Favorite CANON HP Pairing: Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, hands down.
Favorite FANON HP Pairing: Sirius Black and Dorcas Meadowes (Marauder Era). It was fantastic. :D
Favorite HP book(s): Order of the Phoenix. Angsty!Harry is my favorite. Gotta love Capslocky Rage.
Favorite HP character(s): Sirius Black and Harry Potter
Least Favorite HP character(s): Umbitch, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. While Luna's good for laughs, she reminds me too much of girls I went to high school with and I just can't deal with that.
Random piece of information about you:
- I'm grossly double jointed in both of my arms. I can rotate them 360 degrees and then bend at the elbow. The doctor told me I should probably stop doing that though.
- I'm helplessly in love with Conor Oberst of the band Bright Eyes. Not for his personality, but just because of the music.
- I hate rap, despite growing up outside of Detroit. I also hate country and I go to school in farm country so that's a little ironic as well.
- I've never met my best friend and we've been besties for four years? Five? I've lost count. Four. Definitely four.
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January 7th, 2008 @ 11:06pm

Behind the character )
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January 7th, 2008 @ 4:54pm

Name: Amanda
You think you know, but you... probably don't really care )

That's all. You probably think me silly and long-winded by now. Which isn't too far from the truth.

Glad we had this talk.
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I like my Happy Snake icon. [
January 7th, 2008 @ 12:50am

[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Opeth - In My Time of Need ]

About the Player Meme. Not long, just cut so you can skip if you don't care. And because ... language. XD )

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January 6th, 2008 @ 1:14am

Hi, Katie here, your current Tracey Davis. I'm bringing you Terry Boot who is a Ravenclaw and Braeden Avery who is a Death Eater. Terry joins the marriage program being promised to Olivia Moon (after much prodding from Amanda) but other than that, plots are much needed and appreciated. :D
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January 3rd, 2008 @ 3:32am

Hallo, Cristina aka Ron Weasley aka one3curly8fry here, with Zacharias Smith


I couldn't resist. He's an ass and a punk but oh-so-smart and maybe a bit of a flirt, and also pretty fed up with the world right now XD But what seventeen year old isn't?

The Ron and Zac in my head fight a whole lot, it's annoying and it's only been a few hours X)
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Grabbing a Third. [
January 1st, 2008 @ 9:09pm

It's Sarah/Twilight Speaks. So because I was sorely lacking a character who was actually in the school (and because Michelle said "I hope we get a reliable Blaise..." off-handedly in a conversation we had earlier this week), I am taking up Zabini!

I'll probably post his profile, but the nutshell's content is that he's extraordinarily arrogant and self-involved. Slytherin students would know him, but not many others would have spoken to him much. Up close, he's a little odd. Seems to like the girls, but also seems to avoid having a girlfriend at all costs. His standards are a little on the side of impossible to meet, romantically or platonically, and sometimes being a pureblood isn't enough to get a kind word out of him. Especially if you're a younger student. That said, he does seem to be pretty down with the Draco/Pansy/etc. crowd. Most of them, at least. You know the drill if you want to establish anything, or chat. I'll answer to comments here or to messages on aim.

(Sadly, no sock puppet icons for this pb. Yet. We'll see.)
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January 1st, 2008 @ 5:21pm

[ music | *NSYNC - I Just Wanna Be With You ]

So.... Gabby went and got herself a new character, because she's played this one before and REALLY missed her a lot. :D So, here's your resident Luna Lovegood!

... yes, I have a thing for playing Ravenclaws. Other houses too, but I <3 the Claws.

ANYWAY. She's the oddball that we all know and love who, while she's probably gained a lot of respect over the past two years, is still incredibly strange, weird, etc etc. She's okay with it, obviously, and will probably blather away about the new animal her dad found, some strange idea, and all of that good stuff to just about anyone. She's NOT in the MP, which is good for just about everyone. ;D

So, she'll obviously need plot with her Gryffindor pals, but I'd love to hear anything else as well!

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December 31st, 2007 @ 1:25am

Hey everyone, Suzanne here, the player of Susan, Angelina, and Millicent! I'm bringing Rhys Cadwallader into the game, and into my collection. He's a 6th year, Pureblooded Hufflepuff who loves a good hug and tries to avoid confrontations. Don't ever call him Rhys and he'll get along with you just fine.

He's a fun, lovable bloke in need of a few friends...or just a hug.
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December 30th, 2007 @ 12:30am

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Breaking Benjamin :: So Cold ]

Lindsay's back with another character. Geez. I'm probably going to end up having to pick up a third, since I have two baddies now. That way I'm not all evil.

I'm delighted to bring you Mrs. Bellatrix Lestrange. I'm excited to be playing her again, since it's been a while. I'm pretty sure you all know her by now, yes? I should be getting normal access soon, when I go home for New Years celebrations. :D

And I haven't done this yet, so I'll play the Versiterum game with my two girls, Bellatrix and Kylee Bundy [info]kbundles.

Woo for having all the Black sisters in game? Now we need a Rodolphus and Rabastan

♥ Lindsay (AIM: LinzeBinz17)

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December 28th, 2007 @ 6:54pm

It’s only taken me forever but I’m finally here, introducing myself and my character! HI! I’m Mseh and I’ll be playing Ginny Weasley! I’m guessing most people know about her, whether you love or hate her, so I don’t have to go into that.

For now she’ll be played by Cintia Dicker because I actually have icons of her. Lol!

Umm.. I really suck at introductions. My AIM is msfantasyfan so feel free to ping me anytime! I am Australian so sometimes my online times can be very odd compared to most people I RP with so if you ever need my email let me know!

That’s it for now, I’m super excited about doing a Harry Potter game and to start playing with you all :D

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December 26th, 2007 @ 2:47pm

Right, so because I can't let Harry live in relative peace for too long, consider him in on the Veritaserum game. Go right ahead, ask him anything and he'll give you an honest answer!
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Intro [
December 25th, 2007 @ 1:16am

[ music | Hairspray Sndtrk :: Miss Baltimore Crab ]

Hey there, everyone. It's been a while since I've introed myself in a new game, sooo... should be fun? At least I know a few of you already :D

My name's Lindsay. I'm 24, a dance major/english minor. You can reach me on AIM at LinzeBinz17. I'm not on much currently, because of Holiday madness, but pounce me when I am on, even if have an away message up, that way I can get to ya! :D I live in Texas, so I'm Central time.

Anyway, this is Kylee Bundy, Slytherin 7th year. She's in the marriage program, and she's been paired with Fred Weasley, which I love, and she's not thrilled at all. She's got all the traits of the typical Slytherin girl, and she's also pretty mature for her age. She's from a long line a Purebloods, and her dad owns a company that sells dark arts materials, so they are pretty well off. More about her can be found here. It's been almost a year since I've played in HP-verse, let alone school age, so this should be fun to get back into.

So yes, hello everyone! *waves* I look forward to playing with you all.

♥ Lindsay

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December 24th, 2007 @ 8:44pm

He's really going to regret this, I think, but. Veritaserum game? Ron's in >>;
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December 24th, 2007 @ 7:48am


Hello my fellow Rpers.

I’m Nikki. I will be playing both Seamus Finnigan and Derek Bole. Feel free to stalk their journals for more pretty pictures. They’re there for a reason!

Derek is a former Slytherin, very independent and opinionated, but his bark is worse than his bite. Seamus is…Seamus. Who doesn’t love an Irish lad, right?

You can reach me at:
AIM: aftermmod

That’s all I got for now…

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukah!!!!!
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December 23rd, 2007 @ 7:08pm

So, as I talked to dear Hermeh, I realized that I have not introduced myself yet. Because I am made of fail, apparently. ANYWHOO.

Hello, everyone! I'm Randa, and I'll be playing Harry Potter here at Dearly. He's the Harry we all know and love (or loathe, if your character happens to be of the DE persuasion or something along those lines). I could elaborate further, but this would lead to rambling (which I'd prefer to avoid), so you can find all of his info on his journal. Anyway, I am completely terribly at intros, so I'm just going to leave it at that, really.

Oh! And you can reach me on AIM at leeeapoffaith, or feel free to email me at I look forward to getting started and interacting with everyone! ♥
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December 23rd, 2007 @ 7:57pm

*shifty eyes*

Hullo XD

Myyy name's Cristina and I've been kidnapped into playing Ron?


Anywhoo, I'm really excited, I've never really had the chance to play Ron during the trio era (even with the little marriage twist lmao omg he's like :[[[[) so this is very very exciting!

My AIM is one3curly8fry myyy gmail is and my CDJ is cristina_lacosa @ GJ (yes I haven't completely jumped ship yet XD

............HI :]
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December 22nd, 2007 @ 10:41pm

Same thing as below this entry:

You or your characters can ask my charries anything you or your characters would like to know from them. ANYTHING goes, and my charries will answer honestly-ish.

Susan Bones, Angelina Johnson, Millicent Bulstrode
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December 22nd, 2007 @ 9:40pm

Wow, it's going to be SO weird doing this on Millie's journal, but whatever.

Hiiii!!! I'm Suzanne, and I play a whole bunch of characters on here! I'm 19, and I live on the East Coast. You can catch me pretty much whenever, as I'm online quite a bit during the day. My SN on AIM is zanne turtle, and that's the easiest way to contact me. If you don't have AIM, then you can also contact me at my e-mail address,

I'm a pretty friendly person, so if you want to plot or just randomly chat, feel free to hit me up! And now, on the the characters!

First and foremost is my absolute BABY, Susan Bones. She's a very sweet person, though you'll catch her at a bad moment in her life. She's going to have long private entries that are dark and depressing, with public entries added on that are fairly light hearted. To people who aren't her close friends, she seems like a fun-loving girl, who is just a bit concerned about the war. You'll never catch her mentioning her Muggle relatives or her father's family.

Millicent is next on the list (though I picked her up first). She's a pretty solitary person, and she's not likely to delve into her inner most feelings on her journal. She doesn't go very deeply into situations, and she's not exactly a fluffy bunny.

Angelina is last (though probably not for long), and she is by FAR my most fun character to play. She's loud, tough, and girlie. She tells bad jokes, and she loves openly flirting with shy blokes...even if they're already dating someone else. She's the only of my girls who isn't in the program, though she still is looking for that special someone...a very manly, tough someone.

My girls all need friends, enemies, whatever.

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