December 8th, 2007

[info]nanthimus in [info]daysoftheweek

Claim a Character/Pairing

Please include the first and last names of all characters, plus the fandom they come from.


Avatar: The Last Airbender
Prince Zuko/Princess Yue - [info]saami_chan

Dresden Files, The
Harry Dresden - [info]beccastareyes

Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich - [info]yuuo

Kingdom Hearts
Sora - [info]natala

Zana - [info]argentdragon

The Matrix
Neo/Smith - [info]prairiecrow

Silent Hill 4: The Room
Walter Sullivan - [info]drakan_aroh

[info]nanthimus in [info]daysoftheweek


I actually haven't been asked any questions yet but these are the ones that I anticipate being asked. If you have one that's not on the list here, just reply to this post. :)


[info]nanthimus in [info]daysoftheweek

Completed/Dropped Claims

Comment here if you complete a claim, or if you would like to drop it. :)

[info]nanthimus in [info]daysoftheweek


Here are the themes you'll be working with. You must write one piece of fanfiction, 500 words or more, for each day. You can choose to include only one theme for that day, or all three. In addition to the themes, each fic must reference the day it's based on in some way.

Themes )