Sep. 18th, 2007 @ 10:06 pm Dark Wing Story 5: "Confessions"
location: Living Room
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Points of Authority~ Linkin Park

Title: Confessions
Dark Wing (Taylor)
Prompt: 022. Enemies
Word Count: 1,568 (longest to date!)
PG-13 for language (Taylor has a potty mouth :) )
Notes: Fifth in the Dark Wing series. Another new character for you guys, though this is the last main character introduced. Once again, there is a song and it’s by Linkin Park and it’s called “Points of Authority”. Now you may be wondering what it has to do with the story, well, it’s Tay’s challenge to a certain person. (Really, I had no song for this story until a few minutes before I posted it XP )


Now you get a few answers about Dark Wing Angels, courtesy Zach. I have Taylor’s character description up on my website, so feel free to check it out!


I moodily followed my cheerful, new companion down a dark alley. )

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