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[11 Feb 2017|05:58pm]

So, I had a passing thought, and I discussed it with a couple of people, and we were thinking maybe a little game-wide hiccup might give people something to play with, and to maybe play with people they wouldn't otherwise start something with.

The thought was, tonight is the Valentine's Day party at Danse Macabre, as advertised, but it seems a perfect setting for a little mayhem to occur. One of the people working it is going to think it funny to slip some potions into some of the drinks.

Some sort of details or something. )

Apologies it's so late notice, but I wasn't thinking properly until today. I'm going to put up a post for the party for people to play in. Get as involved as you feel comfortable with, and this post is also here for you to find people to carry out this plot with, but feel free to take time playing stuff out. I'm sure we can all appreciate each other having busy lives too.

PS.There is apparently a modly plot point that will appear tonight, so you might want to avoid playing out past midnight until he announced his own dastardly plan, but he did approve the potion plot to get started with.
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[01 Jan 2017|04:56pm]

Hello, everyone! My name is K and I'm almost positive that I know everyone, but if I don't, here's to us changing that! :D

A little late, I know (better than never, though, yes?), but I have for you all this little lady here - Miss Ariel Malfoy. 21, she the oldest daughter and second oldest child of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger-Malfoy and works alongside her father as his personal assistant. She's also been known to take to the stage and perform at Danse Macabre whenever the mood strikes (which is fairly often).

Overall, she's a friendly, vivacious, happy-go-lucky kind of girl with slight impulse control issues, but make no mistake, mess with anyone she claims as hers and she will hex and curse you to hell and back.

As a half Malfoy, half Granger, she's got possible connections all over the place! I'd love friends, former House and/or dormmates, ex-boyfriends/flings, past/current flirtations, enemies because they're always fun, any and all things, please and thank you!
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[31 Dec 2016|01:15pm]

Hey guys! Erin here, working on Angelina Johnson-Pucey. Just throwing this plotish thing out there so I can work things in as I go.

After the war, she played professional Quidditch (Puddlemere Chaser) for a handful of years, the last two of which she was married to Adrian Pucey very much against her will. They were the last pair-bond to tie the knot and their marriage was anything but calm. They were bitter rivals until Angelina's muggle father became terminally ill. She took care of him for a few months before he lost the battle; afterward she decided not to return to the professional scene, and instead replaced Madam Hooch (retired) as Hogwarts flight instructor and Gryffindor Quidditch coach- a job she continued doing through her pregnancies (with a year off for each child after they're born).
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[30 Dec 2016|06:07pm]

Sooooo, there is this other character floating around, yet to be completed for this incarnation. Amelia Goyle. She's the middle Goyle child, in her second year out of Hogwarts, but the youngest playable one. She has a biiiiiiig line I'd like filling before bringing her in though. I mean I will probably bring her in before if I can't find it, but I'd like to have it. Ok, stop rambling.

Amelia needs a baby daddy. She's going to have a 3 month old son when she comes into the game, most definitely not planned! This time I'd prefer her to have not run away to have the kid though, which means it works best if the baby daddy knows it's his. He can be as involved or not as he wants, not claimed or accepted the child as being his at all if he wants, I'm willing to work with almost ANYTHING for this line!

I know it's a long shot, but... anyone tempted?
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[27 Dec 2016|07:50pm]

Hello everyone! I'm Seven, lots of you know me, and if you don't then extra hello to you! I'm starting with a single character so I can dip my feet into playing in this fandom. I've read the books and seen most of the movies, so I'm pretty familiar, it just isn't one I've ever RPed in before. :D So bear with me a little.

This is Aurore Weasley, youngest marriage-eligible daughter of Fleur and Bill Weasley. She's 18, nearly 19, and works as a Governess for Hermione and Draco Malfoy. (She tried being like everyone else and getting a job at Gringotts, but she was really bad at it!) She enjoys her current job much more. Much more.

As a Weasley, she's related to like... everyone. So there should be lots of connections for her! I would love things for her – friends, rivals, family, ex-boyfriends maybe (or current flirtations, even a pair-bond?) So hit me with what you've got! You can comment here or grab me on AIM at inherentlysinful.
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[25 Dec 2016|11:44pm]

HEY Y'all! It's Erin. Many of you know me already, some don't, and I'd love to meet you. I'm bringing in two characters to the game.

This journal is Lily Luna Potter, youngest (playable) child of Harry and Pansy. She's 19 going on 20, currently an Apprentice Healer at St. Mungos, in the Maternity/Nursery wing, though she'd rather be in emergency magic. Lily is a people-pleaser who's been in the spotlight her whole life. She's a competitive overachiever, a Chaser for Ravenclaw, and a Triwizard competitor (eliminated in the final round by injury). Lily is often her harshest critic, but also has trouble controlling her impulses. She's a thrill seeker with a string of questionable boyfriends she can't seem to avoid. I would love lines for her.

Second is Ginny Zabini Weasley [info]enough_nerve, who all Quidditch fans know as the Hollyhead Harpies chaser right out of Hogwarts, who is currently the senior Quidditch corespondent to the Prophet. She was pairbonded with Blaise. She's fiery, outspoken, assertive, and sarcastic- she's also caring, warm, and loyal. Basically Molly 2.0.

Looking forward to playing! Hit me up for plots.
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