Oct. 29th, 2010


To: James Potter.
From: Andromeda Black.
Containing: A note )

Oct. 15th, 2010


TO: Amelia Bones, Theo Chastain, Lily Evans, Elizabeth Goldstein, Phoebe King, Remus Lupin, Dorcas Meadowes, Echo Rutherford, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Emmeline Vance
FROM: Sirius Black
CONTAINS: Note Delivered by House Elf )

Oct. 8th, 2010


To: Dorcas Meadows
From: Owl Delivery Service via James Potter
Contents: a letter attached to a cage with an owl inside

the owl and note )

Oct. 7th, 2010


To: James Potter
From: Gideon Prewett

fuuuuck )


TO: James Potter
FROM: Sirius Black
CONTAINS: A note left on his bedside table, charmed to whistle at James and roar at everyone else. )

Oct. 1st, 2010


To: Lily Evans
From: James Potter
Contents: a letter attached on a pile of notes he made explaining in detail how to execute each spell.

the note )

Sep. 12th, 2010


To: Gideon
From: James
Containing: A new pair of Quidditch keeper gloves and a note )

Sep. 10th, 2010


To: Alice Burke
From: James Potter
Containing: a note and a thermos filled with hot chocolate )