January 12th, 2011

[info]drink__me in [info]darkmarkowls

Backdated, December 25th

To: Dorcas, Hestia, Theo, Lily, Sirius, James, Remus, Florean, Daisy, Meaghan, Amelia, Chase, Jay, Glee, and basically anyone Rose considers a friend.
Rose gives everyone identical presents! )

[info]princelingblack in [info]darkmarkowls

Backdated, December 25th

To: Sirius Black

delivered by hand in great hall )

To: Andromeda Black

delivered by hand in common room )

To: Narcissa Black

delivered by hand in common room )

To: Meaghan McCormack

delivered by hand in common room )

To: Florean Fortescue

delivered by hand somewhere they won't be seen )

To: Evan Rosier

delivered by hand in common room )

To: Barty Crouch Jr.

left on top of Barty's trunk the night before )

To: Cameron Kerrigan

delivered by hand in the common room )

[info]unchaste in [info]darkmarkowls

To: Cassandra Bulstrode.
From: Evan Rosier.