Dark Flowers

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dark_flowers @ livejournal

September 30th, 2010

12:34 pm - Gift fic for karasu_hime

Gift For: [info]karasu_hime
Title: Here Is the Deepest Secret Nobody Knows
Author/Artist: Secret!!
Pairing(s): Severus/Lily, Remus/Severus, Lily/James
Summary: I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart.
Rating: T
Warnings: None.
Author/Artist's notes: Hi Karasu Hime! I used Prompt 1, though the end result may be a bit different than the original. Hope you enjoy.

Here Is the Deepest Secret Nobody Knows )

@}~~4 petals scattered Pick a petal~

September 29th, 2010

10:56 am - Gift art for Cathedralcarver

Gift For: [info]cathedralcarver
Title: By your side
Author/Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Severus/Lily/Remus (implied)
Summary: They tend to his wounds before the dawn.
Rating: G
Warnings: none whatsoever
Author/Artist's notes: Thanks for letting me join the fest! ^_^


By your side )

@}~~Pick a petal~

September 28th, 2010

09:23 am - Gift Fic for [info]blue_cage

Gift For: [info]blue_cage
Title: Unconventional
Author/Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Lupin/Lily/Snape – friendship
Summary: Attending a local sci fi convention, Lily and Remus run into someone they would never have expected to meet.
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff; AU in that Lily and Severus are friends again after the Infamous Incident.
Author/Artist's notes: Thanks as always go to my magnificent alphas and betas. Also, I have to thank my auxiliary muse for her invaluable help with brainstorming and plotting.
Original Prompt: It's summer hols and the three of them run into each other at a local sci-fi convention. (Maybe all dressed up? maybe just Severus?) Hilarity ensues!

Unconventional )

@}~~13 petals scattered Pick a petal~

September 27th, 2010

10:42 am - Gift Art for Kittylefish

Gift For: Kittylefish
Title: Under the Stars
Author/Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Snape, Lupin and Lily
Summary: Friendship is sneaking out and being under the stars
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Author/Artist's notes: I totally enjoyed working with the background on this one! I hope you like it!

Thumbnail preview:

Under the Stars )

@}~~3 petals scattered Pick a petal~

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