Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Orcinus on Randall Terry


The Cold Embrace is an essay that shows in chilling detail how many Dominionists think. It focuses on Randall Terry, one of the most virulent and violent of them all. Here are some significant quotes from Terry:

"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you... I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."


"When I, or people like me, are running the country, you'd better flee, because we will find you, we will try you, and we'll execute you. I mean every word of it. ... I will make it part of my mission to see to it that they are tried and executed.

"You say, 'This is extreme!' Yeah, you're right. But imagine God Almighty sending people to hell just because they didn't follow His son? That's extreme. That's intolerance. Imagine Jesus saying that all other religions are false. Christianity claims to be the only way."Read more... )

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