Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Blog Against Theocracy

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]wyldraven)

Blue Gal says "Let's do it again."

We're going to be holding another blogswarm during the Fourth of July week, July 1-4.

A blogswarm is where a group of bloggers from all venues agree to post on the same topic. Our loosely framed topic for this swarm is "the separation of Church and State is patriotic." But this is about blogging, and we're not trying to herd anyone. Post on church/state separation, against theocracy, and you're participating.

If you need resources, let me point you to two. Talk2Action is a blog specifically on current church/state issues. And the First Freedom First website not only provides tremendous resources, their petition is an excellent way to point your readers to ACTION on endorsing our Constitutional guarantee of the separation of church and state.

Details on the July blogswarm to follow, and most importantly, watch this space for instructions on how to email your posts directly to this blog during the blogswarm.

There's more about the first blogswarm at the site. If you aren't familiar with it, go there to read more.