Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Theocon Katherine Harris wins Florida Primary

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]wyldraven)

Katherine Harris breezes to a win

Polls indicate Harris will have trouble beating Nelson, whom she attacks as a liberal who tries to raise taxes, coddles illegal immigrants and undermines President Bush's policies.

Her grass-roots followers express no such doubts.

"Remember, I'm a pastor," said the Rev. Jack Martin, a fire department chaplain from Hernando County who attended her victory bash. "I've got a God who split the Red Sea. I think he can do a lot."
There's also this bit of commentary from AlterNet:
The WaPo reports: "It was in many ways an embarrassing result for state GOP leaders: They had urged the former Florida secretary of state, a polarizing figure since her role in the 2000 presidential election recount, not to run. Harris now faces Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson in a race that strategists have said may be impossible for her to win. Polls have shown Nelson with a lead as wide as 30 percentage points."

Ouch. Nonetheless, Harris has told her supporters she will endeavor to "courageously beat the odds." Miraculously beat the odds, more like.

Notes Arlen at The Daily Background, "She's the most popular of the Republicans, but that doesn't say much." Indeed.