Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Teaching "Traditional Values" in Public Schols?

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]wineandwenches)

This came from Lindale, Texas, where they school board passed this LOVELY resolution..

Resolution Authroizing the Teaching of Traditional Values

I especially love this part

Whereas it is recognized that traditional moral values such as determining right from wrong, honesty, intergrity, accountability, self-discipline, sexual absitence prior to marriage and fidelity during marriage, self-restraint, sincerity, loyalty, love of country and respect for and value of human life and property are all common to all established societies and are clearly reflective of Lindale as a community.

Looks like an activist school board here. I wonder how many of the parents in this town know about this?