Dark Christianity
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dogemperor [userpic]
Most Americans don't want religion based government

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]wyldraven)

Americans United: Of Presidents & Piety: Americans Oppose Bible-Based Governmental Policies

Americans oppose secular government and want to see more religion in politics and public life, right?
Excerpt. Click Headline for full story. )

dogemperor [userpic]
Virginia family "advocacy" group is stepping in on divorce policy

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]idragosani)

NORFOLK, Va. - Getting divorced in Virginia may be more difficult if a conservative advocacy group gets its way.

Family Foundation, which led the push to ban same-sex marriage in Virginia, has formed a commission that will recommend public policies that could preserve traditional marriages.

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dogemperor [userpic]
Bibletown, USA


Bibletown, USA: Where Church and State are One. (That's a video from ABC News.)

Built from scratch to fulfill the lifelong dream of Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan, the town of Ave Maria, Florida is being called a "refuge for Christian values in the secular age." Ave Maria is centered around a 1,100-seat Roman Catholic church, and businesses are told not to sell contraceptives.

"I put basically everything I had into it, not only my money, but the rest of my life," Monaghan said of the town, according to ABC News.

"There are no adult book stores or strip clubs, and local businesses are urged not to sell contraceptives or birth control," Gigi Stone reports for ABC News.

Wikipedia on Tom Monaghan.
Newsweek: Halfway to Heaven
Also: The Tycoon Who Sold His Assets To Serve The Church and Tom Monaghan's Pizza Pilgrimage

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