Dark Christianity
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Back May 12th, 2006 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
interview with "Kingdom Coming" author


There's a good interview with Salon's Michelle Goldberg to be heard at the website for NPR's Fresh Air on the subject of Dominionism. Goldberg has recently published Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, a book I'd like to read. FYI, in the interview and--I guess--in the book, Goldberg discusses the topic of anti-gay marriage referendums and amendments, like the one I mentioned in this post.

dogemperor [userpic]
Evidence that there is some sanity in the world.



dogemperor [userpic]
Just a reminder of what this community is about


Here is a reminder of what this community is about, and what we are critically examining, and revealing to the country at large:

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice.
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less...
Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land -- of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ."

--George Grant, in his book, "The Changing of the Guard: Biblical Principles for Political Action"

Remember these words. This is the baldly stated goal of the Christian Right- the goal of the Dominionists. And if you are not 'with' them, then you are their foe. Even if you are Christian. They want absolute rule. Absolute dominion. Remember that.

dogemperor [userpic]


Anyone besides me think this sounds like a dominionist family?

The pastor hit her so hard he raised welts?

dogemperor [userpic]
The Threat of Dominionism

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]keith_dragon)

I am new to this group and since joining about 2 weeks ago I have found this journal most informative and thank everyone for their contributions. Long I have had a feeling that something was brewing deep in the heart of America, eroding and gnawing at her Freedoms we have long enjoyed. I knew it was being directed through the Christian Right, but did not have a name for this feeling, nor a face to put to it. I hesitated in calling them Christians because I know not all Christians think like they do, and thankfully, I now have a name. Dominionists.

My initial research has created some questions I hope you all can answer for me.

1. How does one approach countering this group without validating their World view? To approach them with anger only labels you as Satan in their eyes. To stand for Religious Freedom, even their own, you are looked upon as a Christian hater. Even logic and fact are brushed aside as fallacies in their eyes.

2. How deep does their political clout go, how far has their spiritual corruption spread?

3. Are my initial fears just that, initial fears, or is this a threat that is in desperate need of a remedy?

4. If this threat is casting us into dire straights as a country, how to you battle "God Warriors" armed with using the law against you and with strong political ties, and funding being funneled to them from our own tax dollars (ie the Faith Based Initiatives)

5. Can this not be considered a form of Terrorism?

6. What steps are any of you taking that may help calm this uprising?

Just curious, points to ponder. Personally, this is all making me feel the need to join the Libertarian Party.


dogemperor [userpic]
Sex, Violence, and the National Day of Prayer


Fans of writer Jeff Sharlet, who wrote some amazing articles like "Jesus Plus Nothing" and other articles for The Rolling Stone, has landed in a new newsletter in Colorado. His latest offering is Sex, Violence, and the National Day of Prayer.

Remember when the press thought Bush's subtle reference to "wonder-working power" in his 2003 State of the Union address was news? Or, even further back, when his announcement of Jesus as his favorite philosopher was considered by most media as an inappropriate admixture of faith into politics? Now, blatant equations of foreign policy with God's will, and an overtly Christian nationalist definition of prayer, orchestrated in the White House by the first lady of evangelicaldom's far right flank, is so passé that to find the president's words I had to turn to "Christian Newswire." It's a subscriber service, but you can get the whole text at that other great institution of news distribution, the White House' website.

The problem is in part Bush's steady drumbeat of providential politics, which by now has deafened the press to the nuances of his rhetoric. It's been so loud for so long that nobody notices when he cranks up the volume even further. Then again, the press is almost always blind to ritual. Since something like this happens every year, and there's always a priest, a rabbi, and a duck in attendance, the press assumes that nothing’s really happening — no policy initiatives, no political code. Less than nothing, even: Prayer, after all, is personal. Only, when it's enshrined by the word "national" and declared essential to American-ness, it's not.

The Christian Right historians cited by the National Day of Prayer's official website are correct in pointing out that national days of prayer are, indeed, a tradition dating back to the first days of the Republic; but they have also been forever contested. Thomas Jefferson, for one, feared that the practice would be used just as it was on May 4, 2006 — to strong arm a particular concept of God into endorsing a particular concept of American interests.

In this case, it was an evangelical Christian God, one who apparently looks down at the United States and sees not 300 million individuals bound together by law, on the foundation of the Constitution, but a “nation” as a theological unit, a corporate entity, beholden most of all to the Bible. He’s also an interventionist God, a deity who takes a direct interest in our affairs and expects us to spread His good news, “freedom,” across the globe.

There’s nothing conspiratorial in suggesting that by “freedom” Bush and those who believe as he does mean the gospel. Indeed, their beliefs would be shallow if they didn’t. The gospel, in their tradition, is not just true, it is the truth itself. And, as biblical literalists, they must accept Jesus’ promise in John 8:32 that “the truth will set you free” as a promise plain and simple; or, more ominously, as an imperative, a command. But to get to the state we’re in, our Christian nation beset by battles, “cultural” and actual, one must understand the mistake made by that subset of evangelicaldom that sees it as their duty to share, through the power of law, their particular prayers with the nation, and to project, through the power of arms, their concept of freedom around the world. They’ve conflated themselves and their actions with the “truth,” a rather idolatrous move. What Jesus said was not that prayer will set you free, nor war; not James Dobson, nor George W. Bush. What Jesus said was that “the truth will set you free.”

This is a new column by Jeff called "Jesus Nation". It should be good.

Back May 12th, 2006 Forward