Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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15th February 2017 17:19 - It's a Birthday Party, and You're All Invited!
Next month marks Daily Deviant's 11th birthday! [insert obligatory "this one goes to eleven!" joke here] To celebrate, we'll be hosting a number of fun, low-stress events that both members and watchers will be able to participate in.

The first/main event will be: Birthday Card Comment Kink!

For those of you who remember 2015's Kinky Kristmas: Comment Kink Edition, this will operate in the same way. Between now and March, our members will be putting in prompts for short, smutty pieces they'd like to see written or drawn. On Wednesday, March 1 at noon U.S. Eastern time, the official Birthday Card Comment Kink post will go live. And then both members and watchers can have at those porny prompts!

The prompt fills must be a minimum of 200 words (if fic) or a sketch equivalent (if art). The fic fills must fit into a single comment box. Remember, we're just going for low-stress comment pr0n in response to simple prompts here -- like something you could write in a (very adult) birthday card. Since fills will be short, we're not going to be strictly policing the rating of each piece. Just remember this is Daily Deviant and we want to see some sex!

Complete rules and info will come in the actual event post on March 1.

A little later in the month, we'll be holding a week of drabble/drawble challenges. We had a lot of fun with those last year, so be sure not to miss them this time!

We might have a few other tricks up our modly sleeve for party games and/or prizes as well. Keep checking back for further announcements and entertainment....
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