Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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15th December 2012 22:00 - Kinky Kristmas 2012 Week 2 Roundup
Today's another short posting break with a list of pieces from week 2. There are a couple of great things that haven't received much love, so do be sure to spend some time catching up on anything you might have missed!

Art by Daily Deviant Members:
All the way home I'll be warm (Harry/Draco)
The Ties That Bind (Harry/Neville)

Fic by Daily Deviant Members:
Neville in the Library With Feeling (Neville/Draco)
Over By Christmas (Albus/Gellert)
A Need for Warmth (Bill/Charlie)
Let It Snow (Snape/Harry)
English Delight (Severus/Lucius)

Fic by Daily Deviant Watchers:
Exceeds Expectations (Albus/Horace)
Not Even a Little Bit, Not Even At All (Pansy/Astoria)
Bellatrix (Severus/Bellatrix)
Brooding on a Broom (Hooch/McGonagall)

And once again, we'd like to use this post as an opportunity to collect any recs you all have made since the last roundup. If you could drop us the names of the pieces recced and a link to the (unlocked) rec post that would be very much appreciated.

Regular posting resumes tomorrow!
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